Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fortenberry Family Fun

We hope everyone had a wonderful fourth of July. We had a nice busy weekend. Fred had to work on Friday, so I had planned Fortenberry Family Fun Day with the kids. We were excited when Nouveau let us off early on Thursday.

I came home and proclaimed that Fortenberry Family Fun Day was going to have an early kick-off. We went down to the Frisco Athletic Center and proceeded to swim until they kicked us out at 7:00 p.m.

Friday, Fortenberry Family Fun Day got off to a rocky start. Someone didn't get up early enough. One of the dogs made a break for it and ran down the street with Jessie and I chasing behind. Once we finally departed, we were all grouchy. Trying to reclaim the day, I announced that we were going to have fun on Fortenberry Family Fun Day. One of my children (I won't name names) requested that I stop saying Fortenberry Family Fun Day. Sadly, I obliged. The kids and I hit the dollar movies, had lunch and did some school clothes shopping. Then we headed back home where we found Daddy had gotten off work early. We changed into our swimsuits and headed back to the pool for more Fortenberry Family Fun.

On Thursday, Jonathan missed his snack time at Kids R Kids. He bought this ginormous chocolate muffin at the pool.

Here he is ready to swim on Friday's Fortenberry Family Fun Day.

Saturday brought a celebration that was a long time in coming. We finally celebrated Father's Day with Fred and my Dad. We grilled steaks and played the Wii. Since we watched fireworks the week before, we felt that we could just be lazy and enjoy the day.

Dad and Jonathan Wii boxing.

Fred and Jonathan boxing. Jonathan won all three rounds (I fought him as well).

Dad and Jonathan.

After church on Sunday, we had the Simmons' family over for lunch. This time we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. We enjoyed a delicious Paula Deene Banana Pudding that Kristin made. I am still working off that banana pudding! The adults played card games with little Kylie. The rest of the kids flocked to the electronics.

Jonathan and Kylie Wii boxing - his winning streak came to an end. He was defeated by a five year old girl. It hurt his pride. He promptly came back and beat her the next round. However, I don't think he will get over being beaten by a girl!

Jessie and her cousin, Kaitlin - this is the only picture I got of Jessie all weekend. For some reason, she thinks that I post all pictures on this blog.

Kaitlin - isn't she a cutie?

We had a wonderful weekend. It was a nice break after working so hard on the floors. We all needed some Fortenberry Family Fun.

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