Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Watch Out 7th Grade... Here Comes Jonathan

Jonathan started 7th grade on Monday.  He is taking the standard coursework for a 7th grader, plus band, tennis and skills for living (think politically correct name for home economics). 

He is settling into his morning and afternoon routines.  For right now, he is getting his homework done and practicing his tuba in a timely manner.  He is super excited about skills for living.  He says he is only one of five kids in the class that already knows how to sew.  He thinks the class is going to be mainly about cooking.  I tried to explain to him that there is more to the class than cooking.  All I can say is that I am so glad that the child care unit includes a flour baby and not that demonic electronic baby that Jess had to bring home last year in her child development class.  Please let him never think that child development is a good idea!

He is riding his bike, which makes life easier on mom and dad.  That means that he doesn't just get himself home from school, but he also gets himself to school.  No dealing with the parent circle on a busy morning.  Love that kid.  Every once in a while, he does make life easier.

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