Saturday, August 25, 2012

End Of Summer Blues...

It is very quiet in my house right now.  The only sounds are my washer and the click of the keyboard.  It is 9:30 a.m. on Saturday and everyone is still in bed.  We had one last hurrah at Main Event last night.  Jess and I left at 11:00 p.m.  The boys (Fred, Jonathan and Abie) were just starting to play billiards when we left.  We were there for an after-hours work event.  Fred wanted to know how many of our employees were still there.  I laughed at him and told him they all left hours ago.  Jess was still up when the boys got home and I could hear Jess and Fred laughing watching some TV show - World's Dumbest Daredevils, I think?  We are a tired bunch this morning!

Jessica started school on Wednesday and seems to be loving it.  Jonathan starts on Monday.  I think everyone has just about everything they need.  We are pretty organized and ready.  It helped to have Jess start in the middle of the week instead of on a Monday.  It also helped to have them starting on two different days.  Seems like less stress this year.  I think Jonathan needs some more shirts from the mall, but he has enough to get started.

Jonathan had band camp week before last and had to get himself to and from school everyday.  I was very impressed with how responsible he has become.  He enjoyed getting back into band.  The first day we weren't sure if he would need his tuba from home, so we dropped him off with it.  We told him to let his band director know that it would have to stay at the school, because he was going to be walking home.  Of course, he didn't.  They switched out his tuba and gave him the one that he would be using for the school year.  He walked almost 3/4 of a mile dragging a large tuba.  I hope we don't have to replace the wheels on the case at the end of the year!  I wonder if they inspect those when you turn them in?

Part of me is so ready to get this school year underway.  We need to get back to a schedule and structure.  The other part of me feels like we didn't do anything fun this summer.  We didn't go to the lake one single time.  We didn't go to any water parks or do any fun adventures.  No vacations.  We did hang out with friends during the summer, but no real adventures!  I really want an adventure and I don't feel like the summer is complete.  Two trips to Main Event does not count as adventure!  I want to kayak or hike or go to the beach or something fun!  But, I think I just need to get over it and move on.  Maybe next year.  This summer is in the books.

I am hoping that we have a great school year.  I hope both the kids enjoy their friends and learn wonderful new things.  I hope the excitement doesn't wear off and Mom doesn't have to help with any school projects!  And, that is my wish for the school year... just sayin'!

All pictures are from our trip to Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas in summer of 2010.

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