Friday, August 31, 2012

Flashback Friday: High School Musical On Ice

On March 28, 2008, we embarked on an expensive, but fun encounter with friends... High School Musical On Ice.  We started out by taking the Dart Rail to Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner.  Then we walked over to the AA Center for this spectacular event where everything cost an arm and a leg.  I love this picture of Katy and Jess so intently watching the show with all of their paraphernalia.  I can't even imagine how much that stuff set us back.  I am proud to say that we occasionally still use the water bottles that our snow cones came in.  That is a good thing, because I am pretty sure that those snow cones cost way more than the Snow Cone Lady's (a popular hot spot in Frisco) snow cones.
This is the infamous picture that still gets me in trouble with Fred!  He told me that we shouldn't stay for the extra little bit of the show.  And, he told me that we didn't need to find a spot for a group picture.  Angela really wanted one and I thought she was right.  Turns out those little things that we stayed for made us miss the last train out of Victory station.  We had to walk with our sweet little kids through Dallas to find another pick-up.  Fred was cranky and to this day I still hear about how HE really had preferred to drive and how HE had really suggested that we leave the AA Center sooner.  Oh well, it makes for a fun story and a fun memory!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Watch Out 7th Grade... Here Comes Jonathan

Jonathan started 7th grade on Monday.  He is taking the standard coursework for a 7th grader, plus band, tennis and skills for living (think politically correct name for home economics). 

He is settling into his morning and afternoon routines.  For right now, he is getting his homework done and practicing his tuba in a timely manner.  He is super excited about skills for living.  He says he is only one of five kids in the class that already knows how to sew.  He thinks the class is going to be mainly about cooking.  I tried to explain to him that there is more to the class than cooking.  All I can say is that I am so glad that the child care unit includes a flour baby and not that demonic electronic baby that Jess had to bring home last year in her child development class.  Please let him never think that child development is a good idea!

He is riding his bike, which makes life easier on mom and dad.  That means that he doesn't just get himself home from school, but he also gets himself to school.  No dealing with the parent circle on a busy morning.  Love that kid.  Every once in a while, he does make life easier.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fun At Bennihana's

We ventured out on the last Saturday night before public school started to celebrate our friend, Stacey's birthday. She chose Bennihana's as her celebration destination. The kids and adults both enjoyed the festivities.

Handsome man waiting ever so patiently for his food!

Cute girls in their Bennihana hats

The kids learned that it is okay to play with your food at Bennihana (or at least it was okay for he chef to play with our food)

Jess ordered the garden delight and it was a delight! I think she had about 10x more food than the rest of us.

Birthday Girl - Stacey

We had a great time hanging out with the Garstka's and DiSpigno's.  We always enjoy spending time with our friends, and feel so thankful to have them in our lives.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pushing My Wagon

“When our wagon gets stuck in the mud, God is much more likely to assist the man who gets out to push than the man who merely raises his voice in prayer—no matter how eloquent the oration.” ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf (

It seems like my wagon has been stuck in the mud quite a bit.  I hope God thinks I am sufficiently trying to push my wagon out of the mud!  I am thankful for the trials we've been through and especially thankful for the help that we've had getting our wagon out of the mud. We are blessed (even if it does seem like we are cursed sometimes).

Saturday, August 25, 2012

End Of Summer Blues...

It is very quiet in my house right now.  The only sounds are my washer and the click of the keyboard.  It is 9:30 a.m. on Saturday and everyone is still in bed.  We had one last hurrah at Main Event last night.  Jess and I left at 11:00 p.m.  The boys (Fred, Jonathan and Abie) were just starting to play billiards when we left.  We were there for an after-hours work event.  Fred wanted to know how many of our employees were still there.  I laughed at him and told him they all left hours ago.  Jess was still up when the boys got home and I could hear Jess and Fred laughing watching some TV show - World's Dumbest Daredevils, I think?  We are a tired bunch this morning!

Jessica started school on Wednesday and seems to be loving it.  Jonathan starts on Monday.  I think everyone has just about everything they need.  We are pretty organized and ready.  It helped to have Jess start in the middle of the week instead of on a Monday.  It also helped to have them starting on two different days.  Seems like less stress this year.  I think Jonathan needs some more shirts from the mall, but he has enough to get started.

Jonathan had band camp week before last and had to get himself to and from school everyday.  I was very impressed with how responsible he has become.  He enjoyed getting back into band.  The first day we weren't sure if he would need his tuba from home, so we dropped him off with it.  We told him to let his band director know that it would have to stay at the school, because he was going to be walking home.  Of course, he didn't.  They switched out his tuba and gave him the one that he would be using for the school year.  He walked almost 3/4 of a mile dragging a large tuba.  I hope we don't have to replace the wheels on the case at the end of the year!  I wonder if they inspect those when you turn them in?

Part of me is so ready to get this school year underway.  We need to get back to a schedule and structure.  The other part of me feels like we didn't do anything fun this summer.  We didn't go to the lake one single time.  We didn't go to any water parks or do any fun adventures.  No vacations.  We did hang out with friends during the summer, but no real adventures!  I really want an adventure and I don't feel like the summer is complete.  Two trips to Main Event does not count as adventure!  I want to kayak or hike or go to the beach or something fun!  But, I think I just need to get over it and move on.  Maybe next year.  This summer is in the books.

I am hoping that we have a great school year.  I hope both the kids enjoy their friends and learn wonderful new things.  I hope the excitement doesn't wear off and Mom doesn't have to help with any school projects!  And, that is my wish for the school year... just sayin'!

All pictures are from our trip to Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas in summer of 2010.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Flashback Friday: First Day of School 2006

First day of school 2006.  Jess was headed off to 5th grade and Jonathan was going into 1st.  This was the last year that my kids were in the same school together. 
 What happened to the girly-girl that was my daughter?  She wouldn't be caught dead in that outfit these days.  I'm not sure which girl is easier to shop for.  In some ways, it is easier to shop for Jess now.  But, in most ways, this little 5th grade Jess that liked all things girly was easier to buy for.

Always the crazy guy!  So little and cute.  Sometimes I wish he was that small again, but I love the young man he has become. One thing is for certain, I really do miss that blond hair and I hate that his hair is getting darker. 

They are so cute that I could just eat them up.  I love Jessica's hair.  She must have curled it or put hot rollers in it that morning.  Normally, she kept it in a pony tail with a hair bow.  Her face looks so small underneath all that hair!

Jessie (this was the last year that she was offically Jessie at school) and her homeroom teacher, Mrs. Murray

Jonathan and his teacher, Mrs. Maulden.  Mrs. Maulden was one of our favorite teachers at Gunstream.  Jonathan had her for 1st grade and Jess had her for 2nd grade.  She also tutored Jess during the summer between 2nd and 3rd grade.  And, both kids had her after school at AlphaBest.  Jonathan's last day of 5th grade we left her a little prize on her desk as a thank you for making such an impact on Jess and Jonathan's lives (and Mom's).  We were happy with most of the teachers at Gunstream, but only two would left us with an experience that I would say was outstanding. Mrs. Maulden and Ms. Towne were awesome.  Asperger/ADHD boys are hard (especially the ones that have no accommodations) - I totally understand and they both did a superb job!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Doggy Yoga

Our sweet little Gracie will be 15 next week.  As with most of us, now that she 'geriatric,' her hips bother her quite a bit.  This pose must be comfortable for her, because we see her stretched out like this on most occasions.  It takes her a few minutes to hoist herself out of her little doggy yoga pose, but it must be worth it.  We love our Gracie and we are so thankful that she received a clean bill of health at the vet.  Her thyroid is low and needs to be rechecked.  Other than  having eyes that get overly crusty, being extremely neurotic and some arthritis in the back hips, she is doing really well. (Oh yeah, and she poops everywhere and doesn't seem to realize that it's happening.)   Not bad for 15!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Today was Jess' first day of school.  She will be returning to The St. Anthony School in Carrollton as a junior.  We dropped off her school supplies, saw her desk and picked up her schedule on Monday.  Her schedule isn't final.  They signed her up for their standard junior level classes, but there were two classes that she had already taken as a freshman at Centennial.  I am not sure what they are going to put her in, since they don't have a very big course selection at her school. 

Right now, she is signed up for English, Math (I'm assuming that is Algebra II since she has had Alg. I and Geometry), World Geography, Health, Technology and Photojournalism.  She is very excited about Photojournalism. 

I made this super yummy Orange Banana smoothie for breakfast.  It was delicious and we all devoured our smoothies - except Jessie.  And, she was the one that I made it for!  I wanted to make something special for her breakfast on the first day of school.  She isn't a big breakfast eater, so I thought this would be something she would for sure like.  Sadly, she said that it was too sweet.  At least the rest of us enjoyed it!  Sometimes I can't win for losing.

I only include this picture to show how crazy I am.  I was trying to get a picture of Jess going into the school on her first day.  I couldn't get to my camera fast enough, so it is blurry.  I felt like the paparazzi trying to get a shot without her seeing me. 
Getting her to pose for her annual first day of school pictures was like pulling teeth.  I had to calmly explain that I have had a picture every year!  Just because she is a junior doesn't mean she can stop posing for pictures!
I think she had a great first day and was looking forward to getting started on her photojournalism project with her friend, Sarah.  And then In Young Women's tonight, she learned about interior design, so maybe we will get inspired to do some decorating in her room. 
All in all, I think it was a great day for Jess!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Eye Of The Tiger

Jonathan loves Just Dance.  His signature dance has always been Eye of the Tiger.  This weekend we pulled out our old Wii American Idol karaoke game.  Jonathan discovered that his signature karaoke song is also Eye of the Tiger!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday... Again

Kylie, Jess, Chris, Kaitlin, Jonathan (minus Lauren)

We celebrated Jessica and Chris' birthdays at Genghis Grill on Saturday evening.  The kids are so cute and grown up.  Lauren was so grown up and sitting with the adults that I accidentally missed her while I was posing the cousins for a picture.  Sorry, Lauren! 

Jess babysat Kylie all day while Kristin, Glen and Lauren were at a conference and Chris and Kaitlin were at band.  Afterwards we met up to celebrate Chris' 17th birthday.  I had only eaten at Genghis Grill once before.  It was a serious meat-fest!

Jess is a HUGE Avengers/any super hero fan. Fred ordered Jess and Chris an Avengers cake.  I know that Jess was thrilled - no so sure about Chris.

We had a great time celebrating with the Simmons and didn't get to visit with them enough.  We don't get to spend nearly enough time with them and it was hard to visit in the restaurant.  Hopefully, we can get together before life gets crazy.  We enjoyed spending the day with Kylie.  She has a way with words and we always love the crazy little things she shares with us!

Crazy Cousins!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rooted in Christ

Now, we will compare the word unto a seed.  Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief... it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves - it must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to challenge my soul, yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.

-Alma 32:28

Friday, August 17, 2012

Hunka Hunka Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich

It has been an Elvis kind of week!  Today at work the party committee served up peanut butter and sandwiches in honor of Elvis.  They buttered them up and made them on a George Foreman grill, so that it would be the best reenactment of a fried peanut butter and sandwich possible in an office environment. 

They played Elvis music while we ate our sandwiches.  I tuned the Elvis music out.  It still makes me sad...  Elvis will always remind us of our Aunt Judy and it can be hard to listen to most of the time.

However, in honor of Elvis and Aunt Judy, I did try the sandwich.  I am a huge proponent of peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  I can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I can eat them when there isn't anything else to eat in the house.  They are a favorite of mine.  I have never had one warmed up and I certainly don't know what Elvis was thinking having them fried.  I must say that they were very good warmed up.  The banana and peanut butter was super good warmed up.  Mark it down someone!  I tried a new food (sort of).

Aunt Judy and Elvis, you are missed!

Flashback Friday: Aunt Judy and 'Elvis'

In honor of Elvis week, I thought we would celebrate Flashback Friday with Aunt Judy's Elvis Birthday.  Who could forget her very special birthday party?  She had the time of her life.  And, the rest of us had the time of our lives just watching her.  It was one of those days that you never forget.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

In Honor Of The King

Today marks the 35th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death.  There were two things that my Aunt Judy loved -- her family and Elvis.  So, on this day, I am remembering Elvis and Judy.  They are both missed deeply.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sweet Jessica Celebrates Her Sweet 16

Sydney Crawford (Jess' friend from church, Ally, Jess and Madison)

We celebrated Jessica's Sweet 16 with a small family celebration. We went to Main Event for some awesome and very competitive Miniature Glow Golf.  Grandma, PawPaw Larry, The Garstka's, The DiSpigno's and Jessica's friend Sydney helped us show Jessica how much we love her.  (MaMaw had oral surgery and was  very sick, so she and Grady didn't attend.)

The obligatory crazy/silly shot

The girls had a great time and kept their game non-competitive.  In fact, I heard the birthday girl do a little cheating while she was writing the scores down.  She wanted everyone to get at least a 3 on the last hole.

The big people were more competitive.  During college, Fred, Dave and Angela worked at Mountasia (a miniature golf establishment) so they took this very serious.  Stacey seemed to take it serious too.  I have depth perception issues, so I didn't take it serious.  I just wanted to the game to be over.  Jonathan (always the odd man out in our group with all girls) played on the men's team.  I think he talked a lot trash, but couldn't keep up with his mouth!


After the ever-so competitive game of golf, we let the kids play games.  Ally (who is competitive like her mom) racked up lots of tickets and that talked the big girls out of some of theirs.

To end the day, we dropped Sydney off (who had plans later in the evening) and then we went to Applebee's for dinner. Jess had picked Applebee's as her restaurant of choice.  I was skeptical, but it turned out to have great service and the food was pretty good.

Our waitress was so sweet and said that she thought that we should not make her stand on her chair for the 'Happy Birthday' song.  Jessica was ever so grateful.

We had a great time celebrating Jessica's birthday.  We love her so much and appreciate all that she has been through and all that she has accomplished.  She is an awesome young lady and we hope that she continues to work hard and live up to her potential.   She has come so far in 7 months and we are pleased with her progress.  It wasn't easy and there will still be tough times ahead, but if she remembers that her parents love her and that her Heavenly Father loves her then she can do anything.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Never Surrender

(Jessica and her sweet friend, Sydney)

And to all who suffer—to all who feel discouraged, worried, or lonely—I say with love and deep concern for you, never give in. Never surrender.  Never allow despair to overcome your spirit.  Embrace and rely upon the Hope of Israel, for the love of the Son of God pierces all darkness, softens all sorrow, and gladdens every heart.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf, The Infinite Power of Hope, Nov. 2008

Friday, August 10, 2012

Flashback Friday: Jessie Turns 11

It seems only fitting that since today is the eve of Jessica's 16th birthday that we celebrate Flashback Friday with one of her old birthday pictures.  Jess' 11th birthday was a favorite.  We spent the day with our family at Jack Carter pool.  Simple yet fun!  I miss all those swimming parties we had for Jessie.  Oh, the ease of having a summer birthday. 

We are looking forward to celebrating our favorite girl tomorrow!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Perfect Blendship

It's friendship, friendship,
Just a perfect blendship,
When other friendships have been forgot
Ours will still be hot!
Lifelong friends: Jonathan, Katy, Laura, Jessica, Madison and Ally.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Young Women

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father,
who loves us and we love Him
We will stand as a witness of God at all times
and in all things and in all places
as we strive to live the Young Women values, which are

Faith - Divine Nature- Individual Worth -
Knowledge - Choice and Accountability -
Good Works - Integrity and Virtue

We believe as we come to accept and act
upon these values, We will be prepared
to strengthen home and family,
make and keep sacred covenants, receive
the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy
the blessings of the of exaltation.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Love and War

Our wedding anniversary is July 29th, so we celebrated on Saturday (the 28th).  We decided to check out the live music at Love and War in Texas.  I was nervous, because Fred is not a huge country music fan.  I knew one of the acts - Dale Watson - is very country.  I was concerned that Fred might get up and leave early on.  He was a trooper and stuck it out.  We sat outside on a super hot night to listen to the music.  Smoking was allowed and the seating was uncomfortable.  So, if you know me, you know that this was recipe for a migraine.  (I had also worked out and taken Jonathan to the pool, so I had already over-heated and stressed my sensitive little brain out). 

I really enjoyed it and would have had even more fun with another couple.  I really wish Fred and our friends enjoyed country music, because it would be fun to do often.  The first act was Saille Branch. I was not familiar with him.  He is a local act.  Fred said that he is a cross between Hank Jr. and Johnny Cash.

Dale Watson was awesome, but he was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.  He was very country and is based out of Austin.  I think Fred liked Saille Branch's music better, but Dale Watson was very funny (thankfully, that kept Fred entertained).  It was a great night (not counting the migraine) with great entertainment and great people watching.  Maybe I can talk Fred into doing this again!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Flashback Friday: Hanging Ten at Port Aransas

August 6, 2008
Port Aransas, Texas

In 2008, we took the kids to Port Aransas.  We had so much fun and have always talked about going back.  I hope that we can work that in the schedule again, soon.