Saturday, September 25, 2010

Yoga Master

 We had guests at our home last night.  As always, Jonathan was sitting a little odd.  This always causes people to comment on his flexibility.  One of our guests enjoys yoga.  He thought Jonathan would be great at yoga.  He counseled me on which CDs I should buy.  Jonathan had a great time showing off all of his crazy tricks.  We don't encourage that too much, because it can be kind of embarassing.  I tried to relax and let him show of all of his mad skills.

They went over a few yoga moves/stretches, and this gentleman was quite impressed with Jonathan's Cobra.  He asked to see it several different times.  Jonathan was proud that I managed to snap some pictures.  Jess was spending the night with a friend, so he was happy that there was record of it for her to see. 

Our guest was impressed at the height that Jonathan was able to get.  I guess many people can't get themselves that far off the floor.  Jess enjoyed the picture, because she thinks her brother is crazy.  Fred pretty much enjoyed it for the same reason.  I, on the other hand, find humor in 1) he is using a pink mat, 2) his shirt is on backwards, 3) he has ice cream smeared all over his face, and 4) the look on his face.

Our life would certainly be boring without Mr. Jonathan!

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