Monday, September 6, 2010

Seeking Adventure

Fred and I decided to head south in pursuit of fun.  We found it on Saturday in the form of kayaking.  Fred wasn't so sure about kayaking.  I think he was just tired of me mentioning that we should go kayaking. 

We drove to my aunt and uncle's house in Austin on Friday night.  They were out of town, but they so graciously allowed us to use their house for the weekend. 

Saturday sent us to San Marcos to kayak down the San Marcos River.
Lesson learned:  kayaking does not allow for ladylike pictures.  Ladylike went out the window when I rolled into the kayak.
 Fred had a larger kayak.  I think the lady that dropped us off called it The Bubba.  Let me tell you, Bubba was one heavy kayak. 
I spent most of the trip in front of Fred.  His kayak was heavier and harder to maneuver.  There were several times that I had to stop and wait for him.  The other problem was that we didn't review our goals before we left.  I was on a mission.  Constantly paddling.  Fred would stroke a couple of times, and then glide.  He really wanted to let the current take him down river. 
Partway through the trip, we approached the dam.  We were told that we had take our kayaks off the river, and then put them back in on the other side of the dam.  I'm sure you are wondering how this was done.  See the above ramp?  I had to climb down that ramp wearing water shoes without traction!  Then Fred sent the kayaks down to the bottom for me to catch.  Then he had to hop over and join me.  Thankfully, it wasn't as hard as it looked.  A couple in a canoe showed up just in time to watch us.  It was great having an audience!
Just before we put back in on the other side of the dam.
There is nothing more attractive than a bright orange flotation device.  Thankfully, we didn't need them, but I sure am glad that we were wearing them... you know, just in case.
We had a wonderful time kayaking.  It was beautful, fun, and I felt such a sense of accomplishment when we were done!
See the bridge ahead?  We had to duck under it.  I have depth perception problems, so I decided to really duck down.  Just in case I had misjudged the distance between the bridge and the top of my head.
I think Fred was rejoicing that we survived!  Fred really wanted us in a tandem kayak.  I wanted solo kayaks.  I felt like the tandem kayak would rob me of MY experience and MY sense of accomplishment.  I had relented, and told him that I would ride tandem.  Due to Fred's height, the kayak rental company didn't recommend it.
This is just before we had to drag these precious beauties up a hill.  I will wear different shoes next time.  My little water shoes were horrible!

We bought a disposable waterproof camera, so the quality of these pictures are horrible.  As much as we like the water, I think we will be investing in a waterproof digital camera.

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