Monday, August 3, 2009

From the Mind of a 9-Year Old Boy

Jonathan takes Juice+ vitamin supplements to ensure that he is getting all of his daily servings of fruits and vegetables. He also loves ravioli's. As a treat, we sometimes let him have Annie's Organic canned ravioli's.

Apparently, Jonathan had viewed a television commercial for Chef Boyardee. They make some sort of claim that there are vegetables right in the sauce.

We were in the car and out of the blue Jonathan starts telling us about a plan that he has. He tells us that he knows of a way that he will never have to take his Juice+ vitamins ever again. He is going to eat one can of Chef Boyardee ravioli's every day because they mix the vegetables right in the sauce. He will get all of his daily veggies without having to take pills. He was especially excited that he could eat his veggies without ever having to taste them. He assured me that you can't even tell that they are mixed into the sauce.

He must have known that we would never fall for it. He didn't even sound shocked when we told him that he would not have a can of ravioli's everyday and that he would be taking his vitamins.

1 comment:

Eric and Amy said...

HA! Just another classic example of the advertising straight to children! I can remember exactly what commercial he's talking about. He's very clever ;)