Friday, August 14, 2009

Camera Shy

We took Jessie out to eat on Tuesday for her birthday. First of all, it was a miracle that we were able to get her inside a restaurant. She has been boycotting them for the last year. She hates feeling trapped in a crowded restaurant. We assured her that there wouldn't be a crowd on a Tuesday night. She couldn't decide where to go for two reasons. 1) She doesn't eat out often and 2) She doesn't eat red meat anymore. She finally settled on TGI Fridays. After dinner, we took a ride to Allen for some dessert at Braum's. Jessie never misses an opportunity for ice cream. C'mon, a girl has her priorities. I think Jess would have been happy to skip dinner and just head straight to Braum's.

While we were waiting on our dinner, we attempted to take pictures. However, Jessie has become camera shy. She poses for very few photos. Oddly enough, she enjoys taking self portraits of herself. She just doesn't like other people taking pictures.

Fred said that she looked like Cousin It in these pics. However, I thought it was more like brooding Violet from The Incredibles. You be the judge.

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