Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back-to-School Checklist

I have spent the last several weeks with my head in the sand. I had decided that if I just ignored it that the first day of school would go away. As a result, we have spent the weekend scrambling.

Saturday was spent doing a little organizing, errands and enjoying one last day of summer. Jonathan couldn't resist some time in the pool. Jess rode her bike to a friend's house. Later, we took Jonathan, Jessie and her friend to see Shorts.

After church today, it became clear to me that I still wasn't ready for school to start. Fred realized that I could use some help. He took over the duties of Head Chef, while I worked as Master Organizer and Cleaner.

My check list went something like this:
Help kids pick out school clothes and make sure that they are ironed and ready - check
Locate book bag and backpack; make sure they are filled with supplies and paperwork - check

Dig through cabinets to find lunch sacks, water bottles and thermoses - check

Other duties included:
  • Help the kids get their rooms picked up and organized - check
  • Finish up tons of laundry - check
  • Special Family Night to discuss goals for the new year - check
  • Read Where the Red Fern Grows with the boy - check

Fred saved me tonight. He knew that I could use some help and he jumped in without even being asked. He cooked a huge pot of vegetable soup for me to take for lunch all this week (and there was enough to freeze for next week). He made the special dinner that the kids requested - spaghetti, garlic bread and ice cream for dessert. He cooked the chicken for tomorrow night's dish - chicken enchiladas. And, he fixed a batch of tortellini for Jonathan's lunch this week. Ahhh, my hero!

Hopefully, this was a lesson in procrastination for my kids. This was not how I should have been spending the Sabbath day. Maybe next year I will not wait until the last minute to prepare for school!

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