Sunday, November 29, 2015

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 29

Ordinary, simple, everyday life is all the more beautiful because of the people God has placed in our path. - Sophie Hudson

These are my people and I love them!  Friends are the family that you choose, and these friends are so perfect for us. I thank my Heavenly Father for them each and every single day.

I hope you enjoy some of the older pictures, because I just couldn't resist!

Jonathan and Ally - they are both 15 so they've known each other since the day Ally was born (she is a few months younger)

Ally and Jessie - love these girls!
Madison - I always say that she is the life of the party!

These kids are all related except for my two, but they've always made them feel like family

The Garstka's - Dave and Fred were great friends before I even came into the picture.  And, then we all met Angel!

The Millers - Dave's sister, Debi, her husband, John and their two girls Laura and Katy (Katy's not pictured-- although she is in the bowling picture above)

The DiSpignos - Dave's childhood best friend, Abie, moved to town after graduating college.  Of course, we adored him and so did the kids.  He left the area when Jessie was in elementary school and moved back to Chicago.  You don't even know how happy we were when he moved back several years ago.  He also brought us Stacey.  They are now married and have Isabella.

I am so thankful that Fred and Dave met and set the course for all of these beautiful, sweet friendships.

The Palmers - we met Tony and Kelly at church and we are so very thankful for their friendship.  They have been so good to us.  I always give Tony lots of credit for helping Fred find his way back to church and for that reason these two will always have a special place in my heart.

Jessie, Jonathan, Corbin, Conner, Fred, Tony
Corbin and Conner belong to Tony and Kelly

The Moffitts - We also met Rod, Ruth and their daughter, Jaiden at church (not pictured are Emmi and Jaxon). First of all I could just eat Jaiden up with a spoon.  I love her and her family so much.  They are all pretty darn amazing.

We love hanging out with the Palmers and the Moffitts.  We couldn't ask for better friends.

Some people make your laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better.

P.S. Jonathan looked at this post and I asked him if I missed anyone.  He told me that I missed the "family of the family."  That would be Dave's parents, Angel's parents, her sister and brother-in-law and their kids.  And, he is SO, right.  We have such great people in our lives.

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