Saturday, November 28, 2015

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 28

I am thankful for the amazing female friendships that I have in my life.  Each one is so sweet and important to me.

"True friendship is like the asphalt of life, it fills the potholes, and makes the journey smooth."
-Richard G. Scott

Ruth and I with sweet Nicole

Here is Kelly and Ruth.  (I didn't have a picture of Kelly, so I high-jacked her Facebook and then cropped people out of the pic-- I'm sorry for cropping those sweet faces out of the pic!)  I truly love these two beautiful women.  They teach me how to be a better wife, mom, leader and daughter of God.  They are Christlike women that I look up to.  I am thankful for their influence in my life.  I love them so very much.  Those two BFFs have a beautiful, sweet friendship that is very rare.  I am thankful that they let me in their little circle.  They bless my life and they are so very precious to me.

This is Cara or Yeates as I sometimes like to call her.  My heart just bursts with love for her.  When I first started serving in Young Women's with her, I thought to myself, "where has she been all my life?"  Then I realized, she's been just around the corner from me.  She literally lives just around the corner from me and I've missed out on her greatness, because I thought she was too hip to hang out with me.  She is funny, tender and sweet all at the same time.  Mostly, I appreciate how funny she is.  I love funny people.  I also appreciate that she appreciates my kids.  Those people have a special place in my heart.

Yeates sporting Wildberry (her pet name for me) on her Temple Walk shirt.

 My crazy, sweet co-workers.  I need a picture of Lisa Galvan, because she is just one of the best co-workers, ever.  I love her dearly.

Sarah, Lynn and I at Vision Expo last year.  I have the best co-workers.

 These are the Young Women Leaders that I serve with.  I love every single one of them and I feel so blessed to serve our Young Women with them.

Last, but certainly not least, I have known Heather, Angela, Tanya and Gracie for a very long time.  Our dear friend Abie brought Stacey (shown below) into our lives kind of recently.  I have so much fun with these ladies.  Every single time I'm with them, I laugh until I cry.  I do things that are absolutely insane.  We always make sweet and funny memories together.  It all started when two college buddies named Fred and Dave walked into a miniature golf place called Mountasia.  They decided to fill out an application.  They met two employees that happened to be best friends-- Angel and Gracie.  It took a little while, but eventually Dave and Angel married. All of these ladies were on a soccer team together when they were little called the Blue Birds.  I belonged to Fred.

Of course, there is also sweet Debi (Dave's sister).  Love her to pieces!  You really need a family tree or a road map to follow along.  But, these are my people and Heavenly Father put these people in my path when I was just a young woman to help make me a better person.

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