Tuesday, June 23, 2015

I Heart Willie and You Should, Too

This is my PSA to you, because we must surely be friends or family, if you are reading this.  Don't walk, run to your iPhone (or other device) and download Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard's album, Django and Jimmie.  I have been listening to it since the beginning of June, when it came out, and I just LOVE it.  I love every song on the album and that is rare for me. 

Which songs are my absolute favorites, you ask?  (So, you didn't really ask, but I'm going to tell you anyway.) 

Unfair Weather Friend 
(Don't you just love a good song about friends?)

Missing Ol' Johnny Cash
(Who doesn't love and miss Johnny Cash?)

Live this Long
(Wouldn't we all take better care of ourselves if we knew better?)

Okay, really I just love them all!

So, go!  Download it or buy the CD-- if you're old school.  You'll thank me for it.

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