Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day Tribute

Happy Father's Day to all the sweet men in our lives!  How blessed we are to have strong, amazing men around us that love us so much.

We love our Scoutmaster Fred.  He is the best husband and dad around. He spent Wednesday through Saturday of last week in Galveston with our young men (14-18) from church helping them to have a fun fishing adventure.  He came home excited with lots of tales about the boys.  He had a day and a half to recuperate and then he leaves at 3:45 a.m. tomorrow morning for Scout Camp with our 12 and 13 year old boys.  We'll say goodbye to him tonight and then we'll see him on Saturday. The boys just loaded up their gear and they are excited about camp.  Fred enjoys working with those boys so much!  I am so thankful that Jonathan has been able to share his Scout experiences with Fred.  I also love that Fred continues to love the boys and love Scouts even though Jonathan has moved on up to the next group. 
I love my dad and the kids love their Grady.  When I was growing up, I remember thinking that I had the smartest dad in the whole wide world.  I would get him to help me with math, because lets face it, I am math deficient.  He would walk me through the problems and then I would go to school where I would see my teacher working them a completely different way.  Thinking that my dad must surely be smarter, I would raise my hand in class and declare, "But, that's not the way MY dad showed me how to do it."  I think my very favorite teacher, Mrs. Hannon had a talk with my mom and told her that it would be best if Dad no longer help me with my homework.  I also thought that Dad could fix or build anything.  He built us a multi-level playhouse, for Pete's sake, complete with a sand box and a slide. He fixed my car often.  I also knew that he would help me out of any scrapes.  In college, he drove to Denton when my Ford Tempo died (and, I mean died) on Eagle Dr., and some sweet, greasy men towed me to a gas station and kept my car overnight.  I don't think people really do that anymore. Lastly, he is the king of silly sayings or Dadisms, as I call them.  They don't make sense to anyone, but him.  For instance, I have migraines and I often say, my head hurts.  His reply is always, "A head like that ought to hurt."  Why does he say that to his sick daughter?  (I mean, he has been saying that since I was a little girl.)  I have no idea, but I wouldn't trade him for the world.   
I love my brother and I am so proud of the father that he has become.  He has the cutest 5 year old little girl, Lainey.  They are pregnant with their 2nd daughter.  He is such a fun uncle.  My kids adore him and he is an amazing father.  He tells bad jokes that are in no way funny.  So much of who he is, he inherited from my dad.  His upstanding character and his dumb jokes.

I love these special men in my family!  I hope they have had a wonderful day.  These are just a few of the special men in our lives -- the ones that I happen to share a last name with (or my maiden name).  We hope all of our family and friends had a wonderful Father's Day today.

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