Friday, October 24, 2014


Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to be a parent chaperone at the UIL Marching Band contest. I was a little disappointed, because I thought I was going to have a lot of time to get to hang out with the band and get to know the kids.  Not so much. I hardly ever saw the band.  I ran from one spot to the other.  Wherever I was told to run.  However, I was so glad that the stars aligned and I was finally available to help out our amazing band.

Before we left for the contest, the band got in their uniforms and they were taken to the far side of the parking lot where they lined up.  I am guessing that their band directors were talking to them about all the things they already know, but needed to be reminded about.  As we went out to wait for the band, we found the football team waiting to give them an amazing send off.  I know that they were required by their coaches to be there, but they did their duty with a lot of heart.

The football team lined up on either side of the sidewalk and twirled towels and cheered for our band.  The band was so embarrassed.  They didn't know what to do. They had never walked through a tunnel before!  One of the boys held up a sign written on a dry erase board.  In boy handwriting it said, "Go Band!"  After we loaded the bus, the boys moved down by the road and lined the driveway and our bus went out honking at them.  Again, I know they were required to be there to support our band, but it was really touching.

At the contest, I saw so much support.  The cheerleaders were in the stands to watch and cheer.  We were considered Non-Varsity, since we don't have any seniors.  So many bands, mostly Frisco bands, complimented their performance as they marched by.  As we made our way to the stands to hear how we did, we had the opportunity to see Wakeland perform.  Wakeland's band is huge.  Their props are expensive and the band is just plain amazing.  After they finished, our young and inexperienced band jumped to their feet and gave them a standing ovation.  How classy is that?

One of the core Knight traits is unity and I saw so much unity on Saturday.  How very thankful I am that Jonathan is a Knight!

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