Thursday, January 23, 2014

Happy Hysterectomy

On January 7, I joined the bazillions of other women that have had a hysterectomy.  I was fortunate to bounce back quickly.  I was back at work one week after my surgery.  However, I am ready to have my energy back and to feel really good.  I am tired of having aches and pains and feeling sluggish.  Although, I shouldn’t complain, because I have had it really easy compared to a lot of other women.  I tried to workout ten days post surgery.  I was proud of myself.  I kept up with the class for the entire hour and didn’t take a single break.  I was careful when we worked our core, though.  And, let me tell you, I was exhausted and tired at the end.  I decided to take it easy since then and just now started trying to ease back into exercise. 

I am so thankful for Fred and the kids.  They were sweet and took great care of me.  By the end of the week, the laundry and dishes were piled up and they seemed very confused.  I guess Mom can only be down for a couple of days.  I had wonderful friends that checked on me at the hospital and dropped by my house.   My parents brought dinner one day and enlisted the kids to help with some chores.  There were sweet text messages and my friends from Nouveau sent me a fruit basket and an awesome card with Brinker’s gift cards.  I am very blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.

The week before going into surgery, I talked to my nurse at the doctor’s office.  Her exact words before hanging up were, “Happy Hysterectomy!”  I don’t know about all that!  I’m just glad it is over and that I am on the mend!  Thanks to my family, friends and co-workers that picked up the slack and did extra work while I was down and checked on me!  I appreciate you.

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