Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Christmas Morning with the Fortenberry's

As always, I'm running behind and I am just now working on my Christmas post.

We had a very special Christmas.  We invited Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe over for breakfast.  

Fred is our resident cook, so he handled those duties while I made sure everything was in order for Christmas. He made sure we had a delicious breakfast of pancakes, bacon and eggs.

Jonathan serenaded us on the tuba.  You don't hear that everyday!  He had been working on a compilation of Christmas hymns in band.  Unfortunately, he didn't have the melody, so it was a little hard to discern what he was playing, but it was still really special.  I was especially touched that he wanted to play hymns for us on Christmas morning. 

After breakfast, we read the Christmas story from the Luke Chapter 2.  I cried when I read "For unto you is born this day in th city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."  My aunt cried with me.  We're big babies like that.

 Then we transitioned to the kids' favorite part... presents.  This year we had a very modest Christmas, but no one seemed to mind.  The kids really didn't have a wish list, so we didn't do it up big.  We just enjoyed the morning.

We had a great morning and were so thankful that Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe could be there to help us celebrate.  We were especially thankful that we were able slow down for a few minutes and remember the true meaning of Christmas. 

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