Monday, January 27, 2014

Extra Dose of Confusion & Crazy

I found this post in my drafts.  I wrote it exactly 1 year ago and decided not post it, because I sounded like such a complainer.  I have to laugh, because not much has changed in a year!

Confusion at the Fortenberry's
Are we still celebrating Christmas or did we start celebrating Valentines Day?

There is crazy at our house!  It has seeped into every crevice of our house.  Now, I have turned into one big whiny baby.

We had sickness for a week.

Our dryer broke last week.  I was so thankful Fred was able to fix it.

The refrigerator started limping and we had to buy a new one.  Our budget for this unplanned item was slim.  We pretty much bought the same refrigerator that we already had.  While looking at the lovely models with french doors and the freezer on bottom, I fell in love.  But, alas, it was not meant to be.  We decided to stick firm to our budget.  Then, Lowes gave us a credit card with a huge credit limit and 6 months no interest.  Glad we didn't know that before the purchase, because we might have entertained the idea of going fancier.

It is time to start making decisions about Jess' senior year.  Not sure how we will keep her at St. Anthony's, but we will try very hard to find a way.

I got a speeding ticket on the way to work a couple of weeks ago.

I have a new calling.  I love it, but some days I think it is going to eat my lunch.

Gracie is getting old and I spend tons of time cleaning up after her.

These are all such little things.  I have had far bigger problems.  Seriously, I have, but it just seems like a new problem is waiting for me every time I turn around.

I just have to remember that these are all solvable problems.  I have a beautiful family and a Heavenly Father that loves me.

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