Sunday, April 28, 2013

Merry-Go-Round Of Life

The Fortenberry Four Laundry Sorting Center
It seems like life is one big merry-go-round.  I spend all week so busy that I'm wishing for an extra day in the work week.  But, then Friday finally arrives.  Even though I am still knee-deep in work, I find myself ever so thankful for the weekend. 

One of two things happen on Friday, either we spend Friday quietly eating in or we find a restaurant that can serve us quickly.  Scotty P's and Moohya's are both favorites, because we can eat and run.  After dinner, you will find Fred headed out to watch a movie.  Sometimes he takes a kid or two.  Those left at home, settle in for a lazy night.  I usually watch the few shows I have DVR'd.  Friday nights are so quiet and peaceful. 

Saturday kicks my tail.  Saturday = chore day.  What makes matters worse is Saturday = fun day for some people.  For instance, I had mixed emotions about yesterday.  Jessica was spending the day with a friend and the boys were enjoying archery with the Scouts.  Part of me knew that meant more would get done, but the ugly part of me was jealous.  By the end of the night, I was wondering why I look forward to the weekend.  Around 6:30 p.m., I went running out to Flower Mound to pick Jess up.  I cooked dinner for my family at 8:00 p.m.  And, worst of all, I was wondering around Walmart buying groceries at 10:00 p.m.  If you have ever grocery shopped with Fred Fortenberry then you know that shopping takes FOR-EVER! 

By this morning, I had come down from my weekend hating phase from last night.  I managed to get up early and prepare what I thought was a darn good Sunday School lesson.  Even though the guilt of waiting until Sunday was weighing heavy upon my heart, I was excited about this most awesome lesson that I had worked on (turns out church leaders were teaching our youth today and my lesson wasn't needed).   I made breakfast for family.  Just a side note,  Fred thought it would be wise and prudent to purchase the $2.50 bacon.  Please, please, please do not fall victim to the low price.  There is a reason why that bacon is $2.50.  Word to the wise, stay away from cheap bacon.  And, that concludes my Public Service Report.

I started a pot roast in the crock pot and had rolls rising (just those frozen kind, but it is my goal to tackle homemade bread). 

And, I straightened my hair.  Straight-hair Sundays are the best, but they are such a pain.  I like to straighten my hair just enough that I can pull it back.  To keep it down involves me, the flat iron and the patience of Job. 

After a peaceful morning, 3 hours of church and a pretty peaceful evening, I feel like I love the weekends again.  It happens every Sunday - just in time for me to be sad that it is almost over. 

I will go to work tomorrow and start the merry-go-round  all over again. 

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