Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fortenberry Four Pizza Night

Somehow all those wonderful homemaking genes just skipped right over me.  I can see that my daughter is going to have some wonderful skills.  She is great with a loom and makes awesome beanies and is a great cook.  I guess her family will eat wonderful vegetarian creations and will have beautiful beanies to wear to school.  Of course, they will live in a filthy house.  Because, that girl does not clean.  Every time we gather to clean, she has some excuse like she has homework or her back hurts.  She has more excuses.  Some are original, but most are your run of the mill "I don't feel good" or "I am too busy" excuses.

I love Pinterest, because it makes me feel like I can do awesome things.  We usually try a new Pinterest recipe every weekend.  We do a slow cooker recipe on Sundays, so that we can eat right after church, because we are always starving.  Somehow, we always end up skipping lunch on Sundays, so the slow cooker is a lifesaver.  We've found some recipes that we love and some that were OK.  I don't think we found any that we just hated.

After all this "Pinteresting," I was feeling braver with my cooking skills.  I have always stayed away from bread dough.  I remember trying a few things when Fred and I first got married and it was a disaster.  So, I learned my lesson.  Homemade bread dough is not for me.  Feeling a little more confident, I am on the backside of 40 now and have considerable amounts of cooking under my belt, I decided to try homemade pizza dough.  Considerable amounts of cooking - might be an overstatement.  Spaghetti and tacos every week probably doesn't count.

Yesterday was Fortenberry Four Pizza Night.  I scoured the internet and Pinterest for the perfect pizza dough recipe.  I finally found one in my Pillsbury Cook Book.  A poll was taken and we decided we would make 2 pizzas.  Jess requested a vegetarian white pizza with spinach and Jonathan requested a BBQ chicken pizza.  Lessons were learned.  Jessica's pizza was perfect.   Hers was cooked on my Pampered Chef stone.  The BBQ pizza was on a metal pan  and was super extra crispy.  Jonathan ate it like a champ and didn't complain. I learned some lessons about my oven, and also learned that we need another stone. 

Overall, it was success and we had fun picking out our toppings.  Jonathan was more upset that I made him eat a big salad with his pizza than he was that the pizza was overdone.

The funniest (if you can call it that) moment of the night came when I was reading the directions and it called for shortening.  I was perplexed, because I didn't remember any of the recipes I read calling for shortening.  I went running out of the house.  I ran to Walgreen's first, because I could get in and out faster, but they only had vegetable oil.  So, I ran out of the store and went down to Kroger where I bought shortening and backing soda.  It also called for baking soda and I wasn't sure about the baking soda in my cabinet.  I got home and started to follow the directions and realized that I had been reading the directions for pretzels instead of pizza dough!  Fred and I got a little chuckle out of it.  Oh, how I can't believe that I was that stupid.  I just kept looking at that recipe wondering where all those ingredients came from, because I didn't remember them the first time I looked at the list.  I guess I also learned to slow down and check to make sure you are looking at the correct recipe, before you run to the grocery store for ingredients!

It was a fun night and we will repeat Fortenberry Four Pizza Night again!

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