Monday, April 29, 2013

5 Minutes

Jonathan attended a Sunday Evening Discussion at church.  I was interested to hear what they spoke to the youth about.  Jonathan proceeded to tell me that the youth of today has gotten very lazy.  He said that they are lazy, because they have so many devices.  He said that some youth spend all day looking at Twitter and never read their scriptures. 

Jonathan isn't into Social Media, but he is very much into some games on his phone and he watches videos that go along with the games.  I mentioned to Jonathan that I get up every morning and check my work and home email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  I told him that instead of checking those accounts, I should just read my scriptures.  Jonathan confessed that he spends quite a bit of time on his phone, too.  When I tried to challenge him to give up some of that time, so that we could read the scriptures, he started stammering.

Turns out he understood the message, but wasn't so sure that he could apply it to his daily life.  A resolution always sounds great... when it is someone else's resolution!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Merry-Go-Round Of Life

The Fortenberry Four Laundry Sorting Center
It seems like life is one big merry-go-round.  I spend all week so busy that I'm wishing for an extra day in the work week.  But, then Friday finally arrives.  Even though I am still knee-deep in work, I find myself ever so thankful for the weekend. 

One of two things happen on Friday, either we spend Friday quietly eating in or we find a restaurant that can serve us quickly.  Scotty P's and Moohya's are both favorites, because we can eat and run.  After dinner, you will find Fred headed out to watch a movie.  Sometimes he takes a kid or two.  Those left at home, settle in for a lazy night.  I usually watch the few shows I have DVR'd.  Friday nights are so quiet and peaceful. 

Saturday kicks my tail.  Saturday = chore day.  What makes matters worse is Saturday = fun day for some people.  For instance, I had mixed emotions about yesterday.  Jessica was spending the day with a friend and the boys were enjoying archery with the Scouts.  Part of me knew that meant more would get done, but the ugly part of me was jealous.  By the end of the night, I was wondering why I look forward to the weekend.  Around 6:30 p.m., I went running out to Flower Mound to pick Jess up.  I cooked dinner for my family at 8:00 p.m.  And, worst of all, I was wondering around Walmart buying groceries at 10:00 p.m.  If you have ever grocery shopped with Fred Fortenberry then you know that shopping takes FOR-EVER! 

By this morning, I had come down from my weekend hating phase from last night.  I managed to get up early and prepare what I thought was a darn good Sunday School lesson.  Even though the guilt of waiting until Sunday was weighing heavy upon my heart, I was excited about this most awesome lesson that I had worked on (turns out church leaders were teaching our youth today and my lesson wasn't needed).   I made breakfast for family.  Just a side note,  Fred thought it would be wise and prudent to purchase the $2.50 bacon.  Please, please, please do not fall victim to the low price.  There is a reason why that bacon is $2.50.  Word to the wise, stay away from cheap bacon.  And, that concludes my Public Service Report.

I started a pot roast in the crock pot and had rolls rising (just those frozen kind, but it is my goal to tackle homemade bread). 

And, I straightened my hair.  Straight-hair Sundays are the best, but they are such a pain.  I like to straighten my hair just enough that I can pull it back.  To keep it down involves me, the flat iron and the patience of Job. 

After a peaceful morning, 3 hours of church and a pretty peaceful evening, I feel like I love the weekends again.  It happens every Sunday - just in time for me to be sad that it is almost over. 

I will go to work tomorrow and start the merry-go-round  all over again. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Earth Day Fun

I always have the best of intentions, but my execution sometimes stinks.  For this week's Family Home Evening, we celebrated Earth Day.  Of course, our weekend was so busy that we didn't properly plan for it.  That meant Jessica and I stopped by Lowes on the way home on Monday.  Jessie picked out three plants and some potting soil.  She had a big project that she was working on for school, so she didn't participate in the planting.

We got home and Jonathan set about planting.  He rummaged through our shed and found three rag-tag pots for the plants and we got them planted before it got dark.  See what I mean about execution?  It always seems that I plan these activities and then we are rushed to get them done.

It also happened to be the night before the STAAR exam for Jonathan, so a special dinner was on the menu.  We grilled hamburgers for the red meat eaters and tried our hand at black bean burgers for Jessie.  Apparently, if you leave the raw egg out of the mixture, it makes a scrumptious bean dip.  I wouldn't know, because beans are disgusting.  I got as far as making the patties and had to enlist Fred's help, because I couldn't bring myself to touch the stuff.   Beans are gross!

Jonathan was in charge of our Earth Day dessert... cup of dirt.  The worms were supposed to hang over the side of the cup, but Jonathan thought it was more realistic if they pointed straight up like they were coming out of the dirt. He was quite proud of his creation and saved the best one for himself.

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
-Native American Proverb

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fortenberry Four Pizza Night

Somehow all those wonderful homemaking genes just skipped right over me.  I can see that my daughter is going to have some wonderful skills.  She is great with a loom and makes awesome beanies and is a great cook.  I guess her family will eat wonderful vegetarian creations and will have beautiful beanies to wear to school.  Of course, they will live in a filthy house.  Because, that girl does not clean.  Every time we gather to clean, she has some excuse like she has homework or her back hurts.  She has more excuses.  Some are original, but most are your run of the mill "I don't feel good" or "I am too busy" excuses.

I love Pinterest, because it makes me feel like I can do awesome things.  We usually try a new Pinterest recipe every weekend.  We do a slow cooker recipe on Sundays, so that we can eat right after church, because we are always starving.  Somehow, we always end up skipping lunch on Sundays, so the slow cooker is a lifesaver.  We've found some recipes that we love and some that were OK.  I don't think we found any that we just hated.

After all this "Pinteresting," I was feeling braver with my cooking skills.  I have always stayed away from bread dough.  I remember trying a few things when Fred and I first got married and it was a disaster.  So, I learned my lesson.  Homemade bread dough is not for me.  Feeling a little more confident, I am on the backside of 40 now and have considerable amounts of cooking under my belt, I decided to try homemade pizza dough.  Considerable amounts of cooking - might be an overstatement.  Spaghetti and tacos every week probably doesn't count.

Yesterday was Fortenberry Four Pizza Night.  I scoured the internet and Pinterest for the perfect pizza dough recipe.  I finally found one in my Pillsbury Cook Book.  A poll was taken and we decided we would make 2 pizzas.  Jess requested a vegetarian white pizza with spinach and Jonathan requested a BBQ chicken pizza.  Lessons were learned.  Jessica's pizza was perfect.   Hers was cooked on my Pampered Chef stone.  The BBQ pizza was on a metal pan  and was super extra crispy.  Jonathan ate it like a champ and didn't complain. I learned some lessons about my oven, and also learned that we need another stone. 

Overall, it was success and we had fun picking out our toppings.  Jonathan was more upset that I made him eat a big salad with his pizza than he was that the pizza was overdone.

The funniest (if you can call it that) moment of the night came when I was reading the directions and it called for shortening.  I was perplexed, because I didn't remember any of the recipes I read calling for shortening.  I went running out of the house.  I ran to Walgreen's first, because I could get in and out faster, but they only had vegetable oil.  So, I ran out of the store and went down to Kroger where I bought shortening and backing soda.  It also called for baking soda and I wasn't sure about the baking soda in my cabinet.  I got home and started to follow the directions and realized that I had been reading the directions for pretzels instead of pizza dough!  Fred and I got a little chuckle out of it.  Oh, how I can't believe that I was that stupid.  I just kept looking at that recipe wondering where all those ingredients came from, because I didn't remember them the first time I looked at the list.  I guess I also learned to slow down and check to make sure you are looking at the correct recipe, before you run to the grocery store for ingredients!

It was a fun night and we will repeat Fortenberry Four Pizza Night again!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Times Of Faith And Perseverance

I have been quiet this week.  A sad, uncooperative computer and writer's block.  I think one is fueling the other.  Fred's computer is nice and all, but he is always using it and it doesn't have all my pictures on it.  I don't want to download any on his, so I just keep using Instagram pictures, because they are easy to get to.  It is so boring... I know!  I just keep telling Fred that we need Geek Squad!

This week has been almost surreal.  There have been a couple of things that look like they are going to come together for our family that we've been waiting on for a long time.  I have been so relieved and happy.  On the other hand, our country (and our sweet state) have taken a huge hit this week with the Boston Marathon bombing and the explosion in West, Texas.  It is as all so hard to wrap your head around.

I saw a quote on Monday by Jeffrey R. Holland.  "These are the times of faith; these are the times of perseverance."

I love Elder Holland.  He is exactly right. These events don't make sense, but you have to have faith and keep going.  And, that is the way it is with all things. 

Enjoy your families and your weekend.  And, don't forget Earth Day on Monday!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

What a beautiful spring weekend.  I love spring so much.  I wish we could have taken the time to enjoy this weekend.  Migraines, helping with homework and online defensive driving kept me from truly getting out and enjoying the warm weather.
We did get to enjoy a nice walk Friday night and another one Saturday morning.  And, then Jonathan and I sat on the patio while he worked on his math tonight.  But, that was about it. 
Don't ever get a ticket.  Online defensive driving is horrible.  It is painful and ruins what could have been a wonderful Saturday!  Not to mention, my house is dirty and I don't have any groceries.  We had meatloaf for dinner tonight.  You know we were trying to make something out of nothing!
Regardless, I have to be thankful for this beautiful weather and for the time that I did get to spend enjoying it.  I am thankful that Jonathan got his math and history finished, because he did have quite a bit of it.  And, he was able to get it done despite spending all day Saturday at a merit badge college.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that I can make up for it tomorrow after work by getting groceries, doing laundry, cleaning house and going to visit this awesome turtle and all his friends.
Hey, a girl can dream, right?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Angry Dogs

Mollie went to the vet on Tuesday.  She has gained a little weight and had to bump up to the blue box of heartworm pills.  She and Gracie have always shared the purple box for skinny minnies under 12 pounds.  Mollie now weighs 12.5 pounds.  Her vet wasn't concerned with her weight, but I have noticed that Mollie and I have both added a little weight over the winter months.  Gracie's weight has slipped to a very fragile 8.2 pounds, and I think Mollie is putting on some sympathy pounds.  Mollie and I talked about how shameful it is that we haven't been watching our girlish figure and vowed to exercise more.  Sadly, the weather hasn't cooperated.  We went for a nice brisk walk on Tuesday and then Wednesday and Thursday were wet and cold.  Today was a nice day for a walk, so we went right after work, since everyone in our house was going different directions and didn't expect dinner.

I have read the Cesar Milan books and watched his videos.  I know how these walks are supposed to work.  I keep my girl on a short leash and we are about the business of walking.  We don't sniff.  We don't do our business, unless it is 2.  I figure that kind of business is serious.  The other kind of business is about letting every dog in the Preston Lakes subdivision know that Mollie Fortenberry was here.  Kind of like writing your name on the bathroom wall.  And, let me tell you, Mollie is the kind of girl that would write her name on every bathroom wall, if I would let her.

Mollie is the sweetest dog ever.  I really didn't realize how grouchy Gracie was until we brought Mollie into our lives.  She loves everybody and loves every situation (except swimming).  After using her best manners, I did reward her when some moms asked if their toddlers could pet her.  She was super sweet and so were they.  I was feeling quite proud of myself as the master of the beautiful dog that I had on the leash.

Now, this brings me to my complaint.  We have a duck pond in our neighborhood.  I love the duck pond.  My kids have enjoyed it and so have both my dogs.  Plus, I have enjoyed it as an exercise tool.  However, I often avoid it, because it seems more trouble than it is worth.  Once, I was walking my Gracie around the duck pond when I was warned by an older gentlemen to be careful.  I didn't quite catch his drift until I realized that I was approaching an area where his unleashed dog was and she attacked my unsuspecting Gracie.  There are no ifs ands or buts about it that is completely wrong.  There are leash laws and your dog should be on a leash.  What if my Gracie had been a small child instead?

Now, my next complaint is me being cranky. What makes me uncomfortable is that we usually meet dogs that are on leashes, but they are big and unfriendly.  So, their masters have to use all of their strength to hold their dog back while me and my happy dogs pass through.  It is uncomfortable for everyone and if we are making laps around the duck pond then you have to meet them several times and that makes it even more uncomfortable.  Tonight, we met two dogs, and neither were friendly towards other dogs.  One was a smaller Benji looking dog.  I noticed that the owners moved off to the side and surrounded the dog.  This dog made all kinds of growly noises while we passed.   Just seconds later, we met a lady with a beautiful 3-legged Husky that would have given anything to have eaten Mollie for supper.  I know that both of these families had the right to enjoy the duck pond, but I just want to enjoy my nice little pond without having to dodge angry dogs. 

I guess, I feel like there are areas in our neighborhood where they would be less likely to encounter other dogs.  However, maybe I need to be the one that is more tolerant.  Maybe, the duck pond is just an easier area for them to get their unfriendly dogs out of the way and let people pass by.  I guess I just need to be less cranky. The moral of my rant is that  I should learn to be more like Mollie and less like the 3-legged Husky.

P.S.  I am not sure how much I am going to be able to post.  My computer is not a happy camper.  I think it needs professional help, but Fred is trying to fix it instead.  Just in case you were wondering, he doesn't know what he is doing.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fan the Flame of Your Faith

San Marcos River

Even if you can only desire to believe, let this desire remain in you until you are believing.

When facing the challenges of faith the Father asserts his strength first and only then acknowledges his limitations.

We all have to experience growth in mortality.

Hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes.

The degree of your knowledge is not the issue, it's the integrity of what you do know.

Do not start your quest of faith by stating what you do not have. That's like trying to stuff a turkey through its beak.

Be true to the faith you do have.

You have more faith than you think you do.

The fruit of living the gospel is apparent in the lives of members everywhere.

This is a divine work in process. With manifestations and blessing abounding in every direction.

Don't hyperventilate if issues arise that need to be resolved.

In this world, everyone is to walk by faith.

Imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with.

When doubt or difficulty come, do not be afraid to ask for help.

Hope on. Journey on. 

Fan the flame of your faith because all things are possible to them that believe.

-Jeffrey R. Holland

This was the talk to end all talks for me.  It was amazing!  I could totally imagine this talk being turned into a "Mormon Message."  I had tears streaming down my face, because it was so ridiculously wonderful!  I can't wait to read it in print and watch it over and over.  

I love General Conference and I love the resolve that I have after General Conference to be a better person.  I love the resolve that I have to make changes in my life, whether big or small.  I love the hope that it brings to my life.  I love watching it with my husband - even though, I know he was dozing off (the snoring tipped me off).  

I love the comfy clothes, the lazy day and the yummy food that we prepare on this special day.

General Conference is a wonderful day that I love, and I think that I really like Jeffrey R. Holland, too.  He is a new favorite of mine!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Lainey's Basket Runneth Over

What is a girl to do when her Easter basket runs over?  Make a pile on the ground, of course!  The hunt does not stop!  It never stops for a full basket!

(This is one of my favorite pictures from Easter weekend.)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Jonathan was a big winner of a free CiCi's dinner.  This doesn't sound like a big deal.  But, you have no idea what went into him winning this free CiCi's dinner.

During open house, Jonathan and I stopped by the book fair.  They were offering double tickets on open house night.  You received so many tickets depending how much you spent.  You then had the opportunity to drop your tickets into different buckets for a chance to win different prizes.  

Jonathan had to analyze how many of each prize they were giving away (i.e., how many CiCi dinners would be awarded) and how many other tickets had been placed in each bucket before he could make his choice.  I am not sure that he is a big CiCi's fan, but he had a lot of tickets, they were giving several dinners away and there weren't so many tickets in the bucket.  So, odds were in his favor.  I thought he would enjoy a ticket to Hawaiian Falls more, but Jonathan wanted to go with something that was a clear winner.

In the end, I guess all that analyzing paid off.  I need to be more like Jonathan and remember to slow down and be patient! 

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Am I the only one that finds themselves attached to a pair of shoes?  

These shoes have been with me through adventures big and small.  They have been with me on walks, hikes, bike rides and even a horseback ride.  

They are worn out and are no longer trusty.  The bottoms don't have as much traction as they should, and I almost fell on a slippery rock in Austin.  

I vowed to throw them away when I got home. But, it was too hard.  It felt like throwing away memories.  

Maybe that is why my husband has so many old t-shirts... he is afraid of throwing away memories. 

I Love Easter

I love Easter.

I love springtime.

I love the worldly traditions of Easter.  I love chocolate bunnies and Easter baskets.  I love Easter egg hunts and dying eggs (we skipped that tradition this year).  I love Easter dresses.  Oh, how I love Easter dresses.

I love spending Saturday with our Bond side of the family.  I love our crazy antics and the fun that we have together.

I love Easter dinner.  Ham, potato salad, baked beans, deviled eggs and rolls.  I love watching/hearing my son scrape his plate clean.  That kid can put away baked beans.

More than anything, I love learning about our Savior's Atonement.

I love going to church and hearing the talks and lessons.  I love my sweet Sunday School class and the spirit they bring to our class.

I love my Savior.