Sunday, October 7, 2012

I love it!

I am enjoying our church's General Conference this weekend.  For some reason, it is really bugging me that the rest of my family is not enjoying it with the same amount of fervor.  Fred and Jess are snoring away this cozy fall day and Jonathan has been locked in his room - all vowing to watch the last session.  Which, come to think about it, is just about to come on, so I don't know how that is going to work if they are all sound asleep. 

As cranky as it is making me today, I have to say that my heart did sing yesterday to see my husband and son leave together in their Sunday finery to go to the priesthood session together.  I am not sure if I ever dared to dream that dream. 

So far, I have been edified and have loved the talks and have vowed to do as President Monson counseled this morning.  Count my blessings and remember the times that my prayers have been answered and the times that I have heeded the prompting of the Spirit.  So many times we get bogged down in counting our trials instead of our blessings.

I am so happy to hear the announcement for sisters to enter the mission field has been lowered.  So excited!  That means that we will have so many more sister missionaries out in the field.  As the mother of a son who I hope will choose to serve a mission one day, I am a little nervous that their age has been lowered, too.  However, I am sure we will follow the inspiration of the Lord on that one.

And, of course, who couldn't help but love Ann M. Dibbs talk?  Or, maybe I loved it because I am still in Young Women's mode, but I just to hear her speak. 

I saw on Facebook this morning that there were already t-shirts out there with her tag line:

I am Mormon.
I know it.
I live it.
I love it.

She is so awesome!

I am off to listen to the last session of conference!  Enjoy!

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