Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Good Turn

Eva, the sweet girl in the middle, has had some health problems lately.  She works in our warehouse - or Distribution services, as we call it.  My friend Donna and I wanted to do something nice for Eva and her family.  We found out from her sister-in-law that her four kids had been stuck at home quite a bit while she was in the hospital.  We were told that doing something nice for the kids would be the most impactful.  Donna and I took up donations and we ended up with the most awesome gift bags ever for Eva and her kids.  There was also a card full of money to help offset Eva's expenses.  Eva happened to be at a doctor's appointment one day and her friends talked her into dropping by the office.  We presented her with all of the goodness that everyone donated.  It was so wonderful to see her sweet face.

Donna and I didn't do anything so special.  We just had an idea and spread it around.  The best thing that came out of our idea is that it seemed to bring the front office together with our warehouse.  In the past, we have always been very segregated.  I am not sure, but I think it made them feel good that two people from the front office would try to put together something for someone from the warehouse.  I don't think of them as separate from us, but that attitude definitely exists.  My friend and I definitely hope that we can do little things to help knock those walls down.  We want to be one company and we want to b e co-workers and friends with everyone.

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