Thursday, July 5, 2012

Picnic Fun

 We got up super early and went to our Ward's breakfast picnic for the 4th of July.  When I say 'we,' I mean everyone except for Jessica.  We left at 7:45 a.m. and that was too early for Jess.  We enjoyed a delicious breakfast, fun games and great company.
Our Young Women were in charge of the Face Painting station.  We were a little nervous, because most of the girls were not available.  The leaders professed to have limited face painting skills, but we had 3-5 girls and that was the perfect number.  They did a great job.  I was so proud of them.
The girls even painted on each other and the painting seemed to move from their face to their arms.  One of our little clients even painted a heart (complete) with glitter on my arm.  She used ample paint and it took quite a while to dry!
The boys gave us a flag ceremony and offered outdoor games.  Jonathan and his friend went old school.  After they had their fill of the games, they spent some time on the playground.  After the picnic, they spent most of the day together.  It was a lazy day, for sure.

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