Monday, July 16, 2012

Oh The Gall

Thursday (July 5), Fred (who has two speeds: go,go,go and nappy, nappy) wasn't feeling well.  After a trip to our local PrimaCare, he still wasn't feeling well and we didn't really have a satisfactory diagnosis.  We only knew that we should go to the emergency room if he got worse.  Fred assured me that he wasn't feeling worse, but I had that feeling that we should go anyway.  So, Saturday morning, we headed out for what we thought would be a quick trip to the ER for some quick relief.

They quickly decided that he needed an ultrasound, so that he could look at his gallbladder.  Not sure why PrimaCare hadn't thought of this.   It wasn't long before they came back to let us know that the surgeon on call had been notified that Fred's gallbladder needed to be removed.  He was admitted to the hospital and away we went.  On one hand, it seemed like it all happened so fast.  But, then on the other, it seemed like each step took forever.

We were told that Fred had probably been in pain for years and just chalked it up to something he ate or maybe he thought he pulled a muscle.  He went in on Saturday (July 7) and was released around 6:45 p.m. on Monday (July 9).  I won't bore you with the story that kept him there so long.

The good news is that he is on the mend.  He stayed home all last week and went back to work today.  He is tired, but made it the entire day.

 Fred and I were supposed to give talks at church on that Sunday. Fred had the 'gall' to weasel out of his talk! I still had to give mine! I have to say that was super stressful to give a talk while your husband is in the hospital.  When it was over, I was relieved and glad that I gave it, though. My talk is over, but Fred will have to give one in the next couple of weeks.  Hmmm... we'll see if he comes up with some other crazy illness!

We are so thankful to those wonderful people that offered help and who sent their prayers and well wishes.  We are so very blessed.

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