Friday, July 27, 2012

Flashback Friday: Gracie's Trip To The Lake

September 2006
Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas

Our Sweet Gracie will be 15 years old on August 25th.  She is showing her age and we all constantly watch her with wonder and worry.  I get calls at work from the kids who panic when they think she is spending too much time outside (or whatever the worry of the day is).  Her back legs don't work like they used to, but she still tries to run.  It causes a Bambi like effect.  She has accidents in the house... lots of them.  She follows me around. Everywhere. I can't move without her next to me. And, she stares out into space a lot.  Despite the bad, I think she is in remarkably good shape for a 15 year old.  Fred thinks we are nearing the time that we need to make big decisions.  I don't think we are at that point.  Gracie is due for her annual senior wellness exam, so we will go next week to see our veterinarian.  I am confident that he is going to tell me that my Gracie is happy, healthy and geriatric. 

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