Friday, July 13, 2012

Flashback Friday: My 40th Birthday

I turned 40 on February 11, 2012.  On Friday, the 10th, we rolled into Austin.  We visited with Jessica.  We received some unsettling news.  Insurance was no longer going to allow Jess to stay at her treatment center and now it was time to prepare for her return home.  We didn't now when, but we new it could be within days or a couple of weeks.  We thought days.  The stress of it all caused a horrible migraine.  That night I was up all night with a migraine.  The next morning, I quietly turned 40. 

Jessie was granted an off campus pass for Saturday, so we played miniature golf at Main Event.  We had a good time and Jess did really well for her first time out. 

After we visited with Jess we headed back to Frisco where my parents dropped off dinner.  I remember unloading my car, starting my laundry and eating dinner.  As we started to relax for the evening, we heard that Whitney Houston had passed away.

Jonathan really enjoyed visiting his sister on Fridays and Saturdays
Ready to take us all down in miniature golf
Just being silly
Jessica and Jonathan
We picked up an extra family member
Fun times
I love my kids

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