Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lift And Help Others

I do not care how old you are, how young you are, whatever.  You can lift people and help them.  Heaven knows there are so very, very, very many people in this world who need help.  Oh so very, very many.  Let's get the cankering, selfish attitude out of our lives and stand a little taller and reach a little higher in the service of others.  As Browning said, "A man's reach should exceed his grasp."  Stand taller, stand higher, lift those with feeble knees, hold up those arms of those that hang down.  Live the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Forget yourself.

-Gordon B. Hinckley

I grew up seeing my mom give service every single day.  She didn't bat an eye.  First she was the PTA President, Room Mom and Girl Scout Leader.  Then it grew to something more.  She learned that she had a love of senior citizens. She served them with her love, passion and humor.  She still serves her senior citizens, but she also learned that she loves making blankets.  She and her friends turned that passion into a way of offering service.  They make blankets for Project Linus - a non-profit organization that provides blankets to children who have been affected by some sort of illness or tragedy.  I am thankful that we had the opportunity to see my mom serve.  I will admit that sometimes we probably felt a little slighted, but we always knew it was for a good cause.  I know that there are blessings that come from offering service and from having received service.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Duck... Duck... Goose

Fred and the kids took Jeff and Emma to see Dark Night last Saturday.  That left Lainey and I to our own devices.  We had one Dora video and a cat to keep us busy for 3 hours.  It was super hot, but we decided to venture outside for a few minutes.  We walked across the street to the duck POND.  (Imagine a 2 year old saying duck in a normal voice and then yelling pond every time we discussed our adventure.)

It was excruciatingly hot!  Aunt Donna carried her around the entire pond.  We were sweating like crazy.

However, the heat didn't keep us from having fun!

We stopped here to feed the ducks.  She used all her bread in one spot.  I forgot all my old 'duck feeding' tricks.  I used to hide bread from Jonathan, so we wouldn't use it all up at one place.

There were so many ducks!  They were everywhere.  I took about three or four pictures just to get them all.  I have never seen so many in our little pond.

We were hot, but had so much fun!  Who needs Batman to have a good time?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Flashback Friday: Gracie's Trip To The Lake

September 2006
Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas

Our Sweet Gracie will be 15 years old on August 25th.  She is showing her age and we all constantly watch her with wonder and worry.  I get calls at work from the kids who panic when they think she is spending too much time outside (or whatever the worry of the day is).  Her back legs don't work like they used to, but she still tries to run.  It causes a Bambi like effect.  She has accidents in the house... lots of them.  She follows me around. Everywhere. I can't move without her next to me. And, she stares out into space a lot.  Despite the bad, I think she is in remarkably good shape for a 15 year old.  Fred thinks we are nearing the time that we need to make big decisions.  I don't think we are at that point.  Gracie is due for her annual senior wellness exam, so we will go next week to see our veterinarian.  I am confident that he is going to tell me that my Gracie is happy, healthy and geriatric. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lainey's My Name...

And chocolate cupcakes are my game!

Oh my! My cupcake is all gone.  That's okay.  I found some chocolate over here on my arm.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Remembering Our Pioneers

This is the time of year when we take time to remember our pioneers.  Those men, women and children who gave up so much to head west to Utah.
"I will never get over being thankful to them; I hope you never get over being thankful to them. I hope that we will always remember them...Let us read again and again, and read to our children or our children's children the account of those who suffered so much." -Gordon B. Hinckley, Jan 31, 1999 Church News, Page 5

We do not have pioneer ancestors, but we are so thankful for the persistence and faithful trek west.  I cannot imagine what they must have endured.   Their testimonies must have been so great for them to have kept going not given up.  They are a wonderful example to me and I am thankful to have the opportunity to learn about them and teach my children about them.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Oh The Gall

Thursday (July 5), Fred (who has two speeds: go,go,go and nappy, nappy) wasn't feeling well.  After a trip to our local PrimaCare, he still wasn't feeling well and we didn't really have a satisfactory diagnosis.  We only knew that we should go to the emergency room if he got worse.  Fred assured me that he wasn't feeling worse, but I had that feeling that we should go anyway.  So, Saturday morning, we headed out for what we thought would be a quick trip to the ER for some quick relief.

They quickly decided that he needed an ultrasound, so that he could look at his gallbladder.  Not sure why PrimaCare hadn't thought of this.   It wasn't long before they came back to let us know that the surgeon on call had been notified that Fred's gallbladder needed to be removed.  He was admitted to the hospital and away we went.  On one hand, it seemed like it all happened so fast.  But, then on the other, it seemed like each step took forever.

We were told that Fred had probably been in pain for years and just chalked it up to something he ate or maybe he thought he pulled a muscle.  He went in on Saturday (July 7) and was released around 6:45 p.m. on Monday (July 9).  I won't bore you with the story that kept him there so long.

The good news is that he is on the mend.  He stayed home all last week and went back to work today.  He is tired, but made it the entire day.

 Fred and I were supposed to give talks at church on that Sunday. Fred had the 'gall' to weasel out of his talk! I still had to give mine! I have to say that was super stressful to give a talk while your husband is in the hospital.  When it was over, I was relieved and glad that I gave it, though. My talk is over, but Fred will have to give one in the next couple of weeks.  Hmmm... we'll see if he comes up with some other crazy illness!

We are so thankful to those wonderful people that offered help and who sent their prayers and well wishes.  We are so very blessed.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lighthouse of the Lord

There is no fog so dense, no night so dark, no mariner so lost, no gale so strong as to render useless the lighthouse of the Lord.  It beckons through the storms of life.  It seems to call to you and me: "This way to safety, this way to home."

-Thomas S. Monson

Friday, July 13, 2012

Flashback Friday: My 40th Birthday

I turned 40 on February 11, 2012.  On Friday, the 10th, we rolled into Austin.  We visited with Jessica.  We received some unsettling news.  Insurance was no longer going to allow Jess to stay at her treatment center and now it was time to prepare for her return home.  We didn't now when, but we new it could be within days or a couple of weeks.  We thought days.  The stress of it all caused a horrible migraine.  That night I was up all night with a migraine.  The next morning, I quietly turned 40. 

Jessie was granted an off campus pass for Saturday, so we played miniature golf at Main Event.  We had a good time and Jess did really well for her first time out. 

After we visited with Jess we headed back to Frisco where my parents dropped off dinner.  I remember unloading my car, starting my laundry and eating dinner.  As we started to relax for the evening, we heard that Whitney Houston had passed away.

Jonathan really enjoyed visiting his sister on Fridays and Saturdays
Ready to take us all down in miniature golf
Just being silly
Jessica and Jonathan
We picked up an extra family member
Fun times
I love my kids

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Waiting on the Lord

The same amount of time will pass whether I'm squandering it in anger and impatience or using it to serve the Lord and His children.  Choosing to "wait upon the Lord" -- or viewed another way, to serve Him-- yields far more satisfying results.  The choice also helps me remember that because Heavenly Father's greatest desire is to bless His children with what will ultimately help us be happy, He will not only give me what I need, He'll also give it at the time that is best me. 

Shifting my attitude from one of "just waiting" to "waiting upon the Lord" has shown me that waiting can be a good thing after all.  This perspective has opened my eyes to the many gifts Heavenly Father has given me.  Most of all, it has given my life renewed strength, purpose and meaning.

-Christy Nielson, Ensign (July 2012)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Flashback Friday: Learning From The Master

Back in June of 2006, Jessie wanted to learn how to do a handstand.  Her Uncle Jeffrey was most excellent at handstands when he was a little boy.  So, she asked the master, feeling certain he still had the magic touch.

It seems that getting his feet above his head didn't come as easily as it once did, but he was a trooper.  It wasn't pretty, but he did it.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Picnic Fun

 We got up super early and went to our Ward's breakfast picnic for the 4th of July.  When I say 'we,' I mean everyone except for Jessica.  We left at 7:45 a.m. and that was too early for Jess.  We enjoyed a delicious breakfast, fun games and great company.
Our Young Women were in charge of the Face Painting station.  We were a little nervous, because most of the girls were not available.  The leaders professed to have limited face painting skills, but we had 3-5 girls and that was the perfect number.  They did a great job.  I was so proud of them.
The girls even painted on each other and the painting seemed to move from their face to their arms.  One of our little clients even painted a heart (complete) with glitter on my arm.  She used ample paint and it took quite a while to dry!
The boys gave us a flag ceremony and offered outdoor games.  Jonathan and his friend went old school.  After they had their fill of the games, they spent some time on the playground.  After the picnic, they spent most of the day together.  It was a lazy day, for sure.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July

We hope everyone is enjoying their holiday.  We started with a church picnic.  Jonathan had a friend over for much of the day.  Fred and Jessica have been watching a Twilight movie marathon.  Yes, I think it is slightly weird, but have opted not to say anything... for the most part.  I think he secretly likes Jacob. Fred and I are working on talks for church. 

For dinner tonight, we are going to grill and enjoy this pink lemonade cake that Jessie made. 

I had a small setback yesterday at work that seems really big and I am trying to remember that life is good.  One of my Young Women was having her own bad day and reminded me... 'come what may and love it.'  What a great attitude!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Independence Day Celebration

Allen always celebrates with fireworks the Saturday before Independence Day.  Our sweet friends, the Garstka's, are kind enough to invite us over every year.  They live close to the park, so we hang out and play before walking over to see the fireworks.  Afterwards, we hang out at their house while we wait for the traffic to die down.

We had a great time and always enjoy hanging out with our friends and Dave and Angela's family.
We looked at this bass all night long.  We parked our selves next to it, so that we would have an easy landmark to use when locating our spot.  We had no trouble finding our group!
Jonathan had fun walking around and checking our the jeep and trying out the bb guns in the Cabela tent.  I think he really wants a bb gun now. 
The fireworks were spectacular as always!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Choice Land

Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ.
-Ether 2:12

I marvel at the miracle of America, the land which the God of heaven long ago declared to be a land choice above all other lands.

I love America for her great and brawny strength, I love her for her generous heart. I love her for her tremendous spiritual strengths. She is unique among the nations of the earth-- in her discovery, in her birth has a nation, in the amalgamation of the races that come to her shores, in the strength of her government, in the goodness of her people.  God bless America, for she is His creation.
-Gordon B. Hinckley