Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ranch Life

A couple of weeks ago, our 5th graders went to Sky Ranch for three days.  Initially, there was an over abundance of female volunteers and only 5 male volunteers.  Fred and I were on the fence, and weren't sure if we were going to send Jonathan to Sky Ranch.  We weren't sure if this was a setting that would allow him to be successful.  I took the lack of male volunteers as a sign.  If Fred went as a chaperone, we thought it might be possible for Jonathan to succeed.  Then, came the question of funding.  We ate a lot of mac and cheese, so that we could send them off to camp!  Our budget had already been hit hard with several unexpected expenses, and an extra $300 didn't help!  It was well worth the sacrifice.  Both Fred and Jonathan were blessed by the experience.  Plus, it allowed Jess and I to spend some time together. 

Bus Ride:  Fred said that it was the longest ride ever.  He said that the bus had one speed - SLOW!
It looks like so much fun.  Jonathan and Fred spent a good hour recounting to me everything they learned.
 Jonathan is listening very intently.  He was quite nervous about riding a horse for the first time!
Jonathan riding a horse for the very first time.  Through clinched teeth he said, "Get me off of here, now!"  Once he got over his initial fear, he was okay.  He reported that his horse must have been new, because he didn't know what to do.
Jonathan enjoys archery.  We've done archery at Twilight Camp with the Cub Scouts.
Zip lining was Jonathan's favorite activity.  He had a blast on the zip line

I am so thankful that we changed our mind and sent Jonathan to camp.  Fred and Jonathan had the opportunity to make memories that they will carry with them forever.

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