Saturday, November 27, 2010

Giving Thanks

November, usually a month to focus on gratitude, was filled with heartache.  There were trials that seemed almost too big to overcome, and they seemed to be hitting us from all sides.  While my Aunt Judy's last days were coming to a close, our immediate family was hit with our own trial.   There have been many lessons learned these last two weeks.  I think we are all stronger, wiser and better people for what we've been through.  Judy's funeral was on Wednesday, and I couldn't bring myself to celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday.  Not to mention, I think we were all exhausted. 

We postponed Thanksgiving, and celebrated today.  We had Mom and Dad over for lunch.  Fred cooked most everything, and did a wonderful job.  I find that it is better for me to let him cook.  He spends the entire time critiquing the food.  I would rather him critique his own food.  It hurts my feelings when he critiques my food.  For instance, he asked me to make a mini-Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday.  He spent the entire time complaining about the sweet potatoes.
I am so glad that we celebrated Thanksgiving today.  I am very focused on gratitude today.  If we had done this two days ago, I wouldn't have been quite ready.
Happy Belated Thanksgiving from the Fortenberry's!

1 comment:

Eric and Amy said...

I'm so sorry to hear of the trials you've been faced with this month. I pray there is a silver lining to it all and that the Lord gives you and your family strength to endure and overcome. He only gives us what He knows we can handle, even when we might disagree with the limits of our strengths. Your Thanksgiving looks beautiful! What a lucky woman to have your hubby cook it! You are truly blessed ;).