Sunday, October 18, 2009

Precious Pumpkins

Boy, did we need this weekend.  I had been hoping for a nice, quiet weekend for some time.  My request was granted.  Jonathan woke up Friday with a fever and a headache.  Out of necessity, we hibernated inside our house for most of the weekend.  Jonathan managed to get out of the house long enough to attend the first hour of church.  He was complaining of a sore throat, so we left Jessie there and headed home.

By this evening, it was very apparent that Jonathan was back to normal.  It works better for us to have Family Home Evening on Sunday nights.  Since he was feeling better, we went forward with our plans.  The first part of FHE was quite normal.  We popped popcorn and watched a church video about Joseph Smith.  Then we moved on to the activity.  I had a crazy moment where I got the bright idea to carve pumpkins for our activity.  Here is the thing... I had NEVER carved a pumpkin.  My mom didn't believe in carving pumpkins and I had just never found it necessary for my own kids.  We have a cute little witch's head (and her arms) that we stab into the pumpkin.  No carving... just decorating, sort off. 

So, we bought two pumpkins and two carving kits.  Thank goodness there were no injuries!  But, I am done.  There will be no more pumpkin carving for me!  It just isn't my forte.  At least, I can say that I tried.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Why is everything my fault?