Saturday, September 19, 2009

Confessions of a Weightlifting Mama

It has been a rough week. I'm not sure why it has been rougher than other weeks, but it has. I was reflecting on my state of mind yesterday. Crazy I know, but I thought about my camera. When the batteries are low, the red light flashes until eventually my camera just dies. That is exactly how I was feeling.

I decided that it was no problem. I have the tools that I need to recharge my batteries. They are all common sense type things. Prayer, scripture reading, attending church meetings and temple attendance (well, that is another post, because I am lacking there). Then there are all the fun things that I can do like soak in a hot bathtub, blogging and my annual girls' trip that is coming up. After identifying all the ways that I can recharge my batteries, I still wasn't feeling hopeful.

Early this morning, I was doing the dishes and I had an epiphany. My best thoughts come while doing dishes. I guess it is the mindlessness of it. Anyway, I thought back to something that my chiropractor had said. I went to see her earlier in the week and she couldn't adjust me at all. The muscles in my back were very tight - actually, she referred to my muscles as rocks. She said that my back felt like I had been lifting 300 pound weights.

As I thought back to that conversation, I had that moment where everything became clear. I am strapping the weight of the world (really, it is just the weight of my family, but it feels like the world) on my back and carrying it around. How sad Heavenly Father must be that I haven't dropped that weight at His feet and asked for help carrying it.

After I had this life changing thought, I walked into my bedroom. And, shining through my window was the glorious sun that we haven't seen in ages. I grabbed my boy and we jumped on our bikes and took a nice long bike ride. Ahhh! Life is good!

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