Monday, September 14, 2009

Confessions of an Uptight Mother

We took a little trip on Saturday to Greenville. It was technically Greenville, but really it was out in the middle of nowhere. Our family got lost. We forgot to turn right after the barn. That would be the barn that had a sign on its roof declaring BULLS FOR SALE.

I enjoy visiting people that live in the country. It is a nice departure from the hustle and bustle of city life. Everything is much slower and laid back. The people even talk a little bit slower. I'm not sure, but I think I used to talk like that, too. Maybe I still do and I just don't realize it. Either way, it is refreshing.

Our family gathered together to celebrate the birthdays of the youngest and oldest members of our family. Our family matriarch (who likes it better when I refer to her as my cool cat Grandma) is turning 89 years young! And, sweet little Cheyanne is turning 2. Let it be known that both of the birthday girls enjoyed their cake.

Now, here is where the confession comes in. In the picture below, take note of the huge puddle of water that the kids are standing in front off. I watched as kid after kid played in that puddle. I saw toddlers sitting in the water and I saw kids walking through it with their school shoes. Since I am an uptight mother, Jonathan was wearing last year's shoes. I knew that it would be muddy in the country (I do, after all, remember a few things about the country).

My heart palpitated each time I saw kids playing in the water. I saw mothers that were laid back and not concerned by the standing water. I watched in awe. I wanted to be one of those laid back moms. I tried, I really did. Okay, not really. I thought about trying, but I made no real effort. Jonathan knew his boundaries and didn't push them. After we had been there for an hour or so, he tried his luck at walking through the water. He was quickly reprimanded and did not repeat the offense.

Before the rain set in, the plan was to let the kids play with water balloons. The wet rain forced us to change our plans. Instead the kids (and some adults) made due with bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles. See the bubble war below? Once again, I failed at being laid back. I sent Jonathan and Auntie Jan packing. They were blowing bubbles in the garage. I'm not sure why I felt this was an offense, but I did.

Thirteen years ago, Fred and I set about searching for a house. I suggested Wylie. Fred said no... unless he could have a boat. Fred wanted Plano. I said no. I didn't want to live in the city. So, we compromised and moved to Frisco. I needed to ease into city life. So, I grew into it as Frisco grew and grew and grew.

I went home from the party thinking that I want to be laid back like those country moms. I have surely spent too much time in the city! And, then, the light bulb went on in my head and I felt vindicated. I can be laid back, too. I just forgot. After all, I am the super cool mom that let ten kids make a muddy mess of my backyard with a water balloon fight.

Thank you, Tammy, for hosting a wonderful birthday celebration at your home. We had fun... even if we didn't roll up our jeans and get our feet wet. Next time, though.

1 comment:

Eric and Amy said...

I'm SO in your shoes! It's hard to let my kids live a little. But sometimes we're blessed with those "ah-ha" moments (for me, reading this post), that reminds us what this life is all about. Thanks!