Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Girls Trip '09

WARNING: This is a whiny post! I have never wanted my blog to be a place to whine or vent. Self-reflection is okay, but whiny is not. However, I think this post just might border on whiny.

We are leaving tomorrow for our annual girls' trip. Everyone is excited, but me. I just can't bring myself to be excited this year. I thought about backing out of the trip. I couldn't do it - I knew that I would be angry with myself. So, I told my boss that I would stay, if she needed me. Of course, she wouldn't take my vacation away from me. I wanted her to, but she wouldn't do it. That is what I get for having such a nice boss.

I know that I will feel better once we get on the road. However, right now I'm looking for a paper bag to blow into. I think I might be hyperventilating or having a panic attack.

This will be a great trip. Everyone will survive without me... they always do. We will all benefit from me returning from the trip relaxed and stress free.

I'm off to finish all those things that have to get finished before you leave town.

Eureka Springs here I Come!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Boy

This is my boy. He makes me laugh every day.

Fred took a long weekend and went fishing. He left Thursday evening and came home this afternoon. As a result, Jonathan and I spent a lot of time together this weekend. Through it all - martial arts, errands, a birthday party and a bike ride - he kept me entertained.

Our little friend, Madison, celebrated her 6th birthday at the Natatorium in Allen. Jonathan went down the slide once and hit the lazy river only a couple of times. Instead, he spent his time standing under this spout letting water fill up his swim trunks. He laughed and laughed at his swim trunks.

When he wasn't filling up his swim trunks with water, he was letting the water blast his head. He had red marks all over his back from standing under the water for so long.

Jonathan and I try to take a bike ride every weekend. This weekend was no different. This time, we stopped and spent a few minutes at the park. Those sunglasses crack me up. They look like they are about three sizes too big for his little face.
Jonathan and I riding the purple dinosaur at the park. Since we are both so mature, he thought it would be funny if we played on the purple dinosaur. I wonder what the weight capacity is on the purple dinosaur?
Isn't this a nice shot of my arms? I guess I should be careful when taking self-portraits.

By the way, don't you think everyone needs a boy like this?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sea World - Day 1

We spent Labor Day weekend at Sea World. We had not visited Sea World in many years, so we were all excited. We enjoyed the shows, feeding the dolphins and the exhibits. The boys had fun hitting some of the rides. Jonathan was a big brave man and rode both roller coasters. Fred said that he held on with white knuckles and closed his eyes tight each time. After the ride was over, he would look at Fred and squeal, "Let's do it again!"

Fred and Jonathan at Viva (dolphin and beluga show)
Beluga Whale

Pacific White-Sided Dolphin

Jessie watching Viva

Jessie and the penguins

Jonathan hanging with the penguins

Lunch was crazy. Fred had to stand in the longest lunch line that I've ever seen. While he stood in line, the kids and I had to score four seats together at cafeteria style tables. During the long wait for lunch, Jess pulled out a book and started reading. I guess it pays to be prepared.

While Jonathan was waiting on lunch, he chose to study the park map.

Fred and Jonathan at the dolphin tank

Bottlenose Dolphin

Sea World - Day 2

Here are the highlights of our second day at Sea World:
Fred and Jonathan waiting for the sea lion show to start.
Donna and Jonathan before the sea lion show.

You guessed it... Jessie is waiting for the sea lion show.

Sea Lion show
Jonathan, Fred and Jessie feeding the sea lions.

Jonathan getting ready to see the killer whales.

Jessie decided that we needed to sit on the FOURTH row at Shamu Stadium. We were drenched!

Jessie soaked by Shamu!

We had a wonderful time and can't wait to visit Sea World again!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Walking on Sunshine

We were so happy to finally see the sun today! Jonathan and I took the dogs for a walk to our neighborhood duck pond. The girls were so happy to get out of the house. The ducks were very happy to see us. I guess they haven't been fed much in the last two weeks.
Jonathan feeding the ducks.

Happy Ducks!

The geese saw us from across the pond and started heading our way! I cannot stand these crazy geese.

We fed practically every duck in the pond. As we finished up our walk, we noticed that they were following us. They finally gave up and left us alone.

Dog Walker Extraordinaire. For a fee, I will hire him out for dog walking services. I'm just kidding. He has a hard time taking command. Mollie (who usually has very good leash manners) drug him all over the place.
All it takes is a little bit of sunshine to make us happy!

Confessions of a Weightlifting Mama

It has been a rough week. I'm not sure why it has been rougher than other weeks, but it has. I was reflecting on my state of mind yesterday. Crazy I know, but I thought about my camera. When the batteries are low, the red light flashes until eventually my camera just dies. That is exactly how I was feeling.

I decided that it was no problem. I have the tools that I need to recharge my batteries. They are all common sense type things. Prayer, scripture reading, attending church meetings and temple attendance (well, that is another post, because I am lacking there). Then there are all the fun things that I can do like soak in a hot bathtub, blogging and my annual girls' trip that is coming up. After identifying all the ways that I can recharge my batteries, I still wasn't feeling hopeful.

Early this morning, I was doing the dishes and I had an epiphany. My best thoughts come while doing dishes. I guess it is the mindlessness of it. Anyway, I thought back to something that my chiropractor had said. I went to see her earlier in the week and she couldn't adjust me at all. The muscles in my back were very tight - actually, she referred to my muscles as rocks. She said that my back felt like I had been lifting 300 pound weights.

As I thought back to that conversation, I had that moment where everything became clear. I am strapping the weight of the world (really, it is just the weight of my family, but it feels like the world) on my back and carrying it around. How sad Heavenly Father must be that I haven't dropped that weight at His feet and asked for help carrying it.

After I had this life changing thought, I walked into my bedroom. And, shining through my window was the glorious sun that we haven't seen in ages. I grabbed my boy and we jumped on our bikes and took a nice long bike ride. Ahhh! Life is good!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

K - T - M!

Shortly before we left for Sea World, we attended Jonathan’s pack meeting. Jonathan earned his Bear Badge. When a Cub Scout earns a major badge/award, the entire pack chants K-T-M over and over. KTM stands for Kiss the Mom! They do a great job of reminding the boys how much their moms help them to earn their badges. So, Jonathan kissed me on the cheek and presented me with a Bear pin. Afterwards, he was so embarrassed that he went fleeing back to his seat. I have never seen him move so fast!

Thanks, Amy, for taking these pictures. I can’t believe that I forgot my camera!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Life at Nouveau

Things have been quite stressful at Nouveau. Our workload has been crazy the last few weeks. Today, we have had a much-needed breather. We packed several key associates off and sent them to Paris. The mood is somewhat lighter today.

Needing a break from the previous weeks' stress, we were delighted when an eighteen-wheeler took the corner too fast and ended up stranded in our parking lot. We ran to the conference room and stared out the window in disbelief.

As you can see from the empty parking lot, people ran from all directions to move their cars out of the way. While we enjoyed the drama and stress reliever, there was some concern that the trailer might tip over. Only one tire was sitting firmly on the ground.

I love this last picture. One of our co-workers bravely shimmied her car out. If it had been me, I would have skipped lunch and found some quarters to stick in the vending machine.

We gathered again for a moment, when help arrived. The guy very quickly righted the trailer and he drove off. No fanfare. No drama. Just pulled him right off the curb. It was a big let down. Nonetheless, it was a great day for a stranded eighteen-wheeler. If this had happened yesterday, I would have been too busy to enjoy it.

It is pure sadness that this was the highlight of my day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Confessions of an Uptight Mother

We took a little trip on Saturday to Greenville. It was technically Greenville, but really it was out in the middle of nowhere. Our family got lost. We forgot to turn right after the barn. That would be the barn that had a sign on its roof declaring BULLS FOR SALE.

I enjoy visiting people that live in the country. It is a nice departure from the hustle and bustle of city life. Everything is much slower and laid back. The people even talk a little bit slower. I'm not sure, but I think I used to talk like that, too. Maybe I still do and I just don't realize it. Either way, it is refreshing.

Our family gathered together to celebrate the birthdays of the youngest and oldest members of our family. Our family matriarch (who likes it better when I refer to her as my cool cat Grandma) is turning 89 years young! And, sweet little Cheyanne is turning 2. Let it be known that both of the birthday girls enjoyed their cake.

Now, here is where the confession comes in. In the picture below, take note of the huge puddle of water that the kids are standing in front off. I watched as kid after kid played in that puddle. I saw toddlers sitting in the water and I saw kids walking through it with their school shoes. Since I am an uptight mother, Jonathan was wearing last year's shoes. I knew that it would be muddy in the country (I do, after all, remember a few things about the country).

My heart palpitated each time I saw kids playing in the water. I saw mothers that were laid back and not concerned by the standing water. I watched in awe. I wanted to be one of those laid back moms. I tried, I really did. Okay, not really. I thought about trying, but I made no real effort. Jonathan knew his boundaries and didn't push them. After we had been there for an hour or so, he tried his luck at walking through the water. He was quickly reprimanded and did not repeat the offense.

Before the rain set in, the plan was to let the kids play with water balloons. The wet rain forced us to change our plans. Instead the kids (and some adults) made due with bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles. See the bubble war below? Once again, I failed at being laid back. I sent Jonathan and Auntie Jan packing. They were blowing bubbles in the garage. I'm not sure why I felt this was an offense, but I did.

Thirteen years ago, Fred and I set about searching for a house. I suggested Wylie. Fred said no... unless he could have a boat. Fred wanted Plano. I said no. I didn't want to live in the city. So, we compromised and moved to Frisco. I needed to ease into city life. So, I grew into it as Frisco grew and grew and grew.

I went home from the party thinking that I want to be laid back like those country moms. I have surely spent too much time in the city! And, then, the light bulb went on in my head and I felt vindicated. I can be laid back, too. I just forgot. After all, I am the super cool mom that let ten kids make a muddy mess of my backyard with a water balloon fight.

Thank you, Tammy, for hosting a wonderful birthday celebration at your home. We had fun... even if we didn't roll up our jeans and get our feet wet. Next time, though.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Karate Kid

After a long summer off, Jonathan was excited to be back in his mixed martial arts class. I asked him to do some poses for me, so that I could take his picture. He rolled his eyes at me (very reminiscent of his 13 year old sister) and said "Come on, Mom. They're called stances not poses." I stand corrected. He does look pretty darn cute in his stances.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Human Pretzel

Jessica and I were both shocked when we walked into the living room and found Jonathan sleeping in this position. First of all, the picture doesn't do it justice. You really had to be there to see the twisted arms and legs. Second, how is this comfortable?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Just a Little Teaser

We are home from our trip and I have over 300 images to sort through. We got home around 6:00 p.m. tonight (it is currently 11:15 p.m.). I have spent the evening unpacking, doing laundry, grocery shopping and helping Jess with a major paper that is due tomorrow.

Until I have time to sort through my pictures, here is just a little teaser from our trip. If you have known Jessie since she was very little, then you know that touching and feeding the dolphins was an absolute thrill for her!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy Labor Day

We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday weekend. After school tomorrow, we are headed to Sea World!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Run Jessie Run

Yesterday I was driving through my neighborhood and was about to turn down my alley. I looked up to see a cute little dog running hard with a pretty teenager running equally as hard behind her. I thought to myself, “wow, look at that girl running her dog.” Then I noticed that the cute little dog wasn’t wearing a leash. Then I looked closer and realized that the cute little dog was Mollie and the pretty teenager was Jessie. Mollie was taking Jessie on the run of her life. I didn’t know that either of them could move so fast. I quickly turned down the street that Mollie was headed for, so that I could cut her off and Jess could catch her. As soon as the catch was made, Mollie had to go potty and Jess had to sit down. Poor thing, Jessie was scared to death. She had opened the front door and Mollie had slipped through.

Mollie is 16 months old and has been getting into a lot of trouble lately. We haven’t been exercising her like we should and I think she is bored now that Jessie has gone back to school. We quickly devised a plan of action. As soon as Jessie gets in the front door after school, she is to reward both dogs with a treat. Before she moves on to her teenage activities, she is to spend a few minutes giving each animal some attention (the cat has had an especially hard time with Jessie being away). After dinner, Jonathan and I will take both dogs on a walk around the duck pond. And, I am embarrassed to admit this one… Mollie will start attending doggy daycare once a week. Hopefully, she will get back to being the sweet dog that we know and love.

After dinner, Jonathan and I put our plan into motion. We grabbed a bag of bread for the ducks and invited our neighbor to come along. Off we went to the duck pond where the dogs enjoyed stretching their legs and the ducks enjoyed the bread that the kids fed them.

The ducks were happy to see us. The kids named the black and white duck Oreo.

Jonathan and Kaitlyn. I have no idea what he did to his hair. I think he was going for the spiky look, but no one told him that you can't spike curly hair.

Here are the crazy dogs.