Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Use Your Imagination

Most everyone in North Texas was treated with an ice day today. We stayed home all snuggled up in our warm house. I had to work from home most of the day, so Jonathan was forced to entertain himself. Finally at 3:00 p.m. I turned off the computer and met Jonathan in the living room for some fun.

Jonathan and I decided that we would get a work out from the Wii Fit. Earlier in the day, I had put on a not-so attractive pair of sweats that I had in the back of my closet. These were left over from my chubbier days. The last time I cleaned out my closet, I decided to keep them. I don't have any other sweats and I didn't really think it was necessary that they fit perfectly. Really, how often do you wear a pair of sweats? These are the hanging around at the house kind; they are not the hanging out at the gym kind.

I thought it would be the perfect day for some aerobic activity. I started out with a little hula hoop, then I went to the step (I love that one) and finally decided to do a little running. Well, my friends, I learned that it is necessary for sweats to fit perfectly when you are running. Yes, that is right , my pants kept falling down below my hips. I kept hiking them up and they kept falling. Then there was the pressure. The pressure of Jonathan wanting to know what was wrong with my pants. And, the pressure of that crazy "game" yelling at me because I wasn't running fast enough. I'm sorry that I wasn't running fast enough. I was too busy mooning my 9 year old son.

I prefer that all my posts be peppered with pictures. Not today. There really are some things that don't need a picture. I thought of having Jonathan take one of me in the aforementioned sweats (pulled up where they belong, of course). I looked in the mirror and quickly changed my mind. These are the kind of sweats that make you look 10-20 pounds heavier. So, you are going to have to use your imagination on this one.

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