Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Jon Jon!

Our little Jon Jon just had a birthday on Sunday! It is hard to believe that we brought him home from the hospital 9 years ago tomorrow. He was just a little squirty guy weighing in at 4lbs 3 oz - he started out at 4lbs 8 oz, but quickly lost some weight. He had a teeny-tiny body with a huge head. His big sister met him at the door wearing her shiny Cinderella costume. She excitedly cooed at him in her high-pitched 3 year old voice. He wasn't quite sure what to make of her. And, quite frankly, she wasn't sure what to make of him. She had put in an order for a little sister. Up until the last minute, we thought she was getting a little sister named Ashley Nicole. Hopefully, Jonathan won't read this post, because he might be a little embarrassed by that fact.

To further embarrass him, here are my two favorite pictures:

Jonathan had just taken some Benadryl. I guess it kicked in before he had a chance to finish his "business." Mental note to everyone reading this: use Benadryl with caution. I was cleaning house on a Saturday morning and he kept calling "I'm in the bathroom and I need a Mommy in here with me." I kept answering that I would be there shortly. Finally, I realized that I hadn't heard anything from him in a while. I asked Jessie to check on him. She told me that I had better get into the bathroom fast. This is what I found.

There is no special story behind this one. I just think it is a cutie patootie picture of him. He looks kind of like a frog.

Happy Birthday, Jon Jon! We love you.

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