Monday, November 17, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 17

Today is World Prematurity Day.  

I am thankful for our little preemie - Jessica Taylor Fortenberry.

I am thankful for our 4 lb.1oz little cutie that spent 2 1/2 weeks in the NICU.  She spent quite a few days -more than I can count and more than I care to remember with her weight sitting at 3 lb. 12 oz. She just refused to gain weight.  She had to spend time learning how to take a bottle.  She had to learn how to keep her body temperature up and she had to go through a course of antibiotics before she could go home.  Thankfully, she was only on oxygen for just a short time. (Maybe just a few hours - I don't really know, because I was pretty much out of it when they explained the oxygen part to me.)  I am thankful for our journey.  It gave us just a small glimpse at what many parents go through.  We are very blessed!

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