Sunday, November 30, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 30

I am thankful for the Christmas season and the opportunity to spend time with family and to enjoy the true meaning of Christmas.  I love Christmas and all the hope and joy that it brings.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 29

I am thankful for Grandma and PawPaw Larry.  They are super fun and they are always willing to play cards and games with Jonathan.  That makes him so happy - you cannot even begin to understand.  We are so grateful for them and love them very much.

Friday, November 28, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 28

I am so very thankful for my Aunt Judy.  I think about her and remember her all the time, but I especially remember her during this time of the year.  There are several reasons that she stays on my mind at Thanksgiving and Christmas: 1) She left this earthly world on November 22, 2010 - right before Thanksgiving.  2) She loved spending time with her family and loved the holidays.  3) And, most importantly, she taught me to count my blessings each and every day.  What an amazing person she was.  She will always be Our Sweet Judy!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 27

 We are grateful for cousins. They make life more fun and they are our first friends.  

I love my cousins and I am thankful for the relationships that I have with them.  I am very grateful for the relationship that my kids have with their cousins.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 26

I am very grateful for my dad.  He is the best dad ever!  I wish I had been more grateful as a teenager.  

My dad is pretty special.  He will go anywhere and do anything for me.  And, he is a pretty good hiking, camping and kayaking buddy.  Again, things I didn't figure out or appreciate until I was an adult.  

I am grateful for my dad and thankful for all of the amazing things he does for our family!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 25

So, on Day 7 I talked about friends, but I was specifically talking about girlfriends.  I didn't make that clear, but you could sort of tell based on the crazy picture!

On Day 25, I talk about friends again.  These are those family friends - new and old - that we love like family.  How blessed we are to have so many amazing people in our lives.

How very grateful we are for the Garstkas, Millers, DiSpignos, Moffitts and Palmers. (Listed in order of their pictures not their importance!)

Monday, November 24, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 24

I am thankful for precious Jaiden.  She is a wonderful example to everyone she comes in contact with.  I have had so much fun getting to know her over the last 3+ years.  She makes me laugh and she amazes me with all of her many talents.  We had a great time on Friday watching both her and Emilee in Suessical the Musical.  (And, Anndrea did a great job on set crew!)

I am grateful for the sweet friendship Jaiden and Jessie have.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 23

 I am so very grateful that I have been called to be a leader in our Young Women's program at church.
These girls inspire me each and everyday.  I am so touched by their goodness and faithfulness.

I am glad that I have the ability to laugh at myself, because there are times that I have to do things that take me far outside of my comfort zone.  I have played human foosball and line danced.  Two things that I'm not good at!  I have so much fun hanging out with our youth that it really doesn't matter how silly I look.

I know that this calling will not last forever, so I am just trying to enjoy these precious youth.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 22

I love the Young Women leaders that I serve with.  They are so amazing and teach me so much every time I am around them.  I know that they love our youth and would do anything for them.  How very grateful I am that I get to soak up the wonderfulness of these ladies every Wednesday and Sunday (and in between as we text each other or meet to discuss YW type stuff).  These are the ladies that went to camp, but there are more of them and each and every one of them are amazing!

Friday, November 21, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 21

I love this crazy place that I work.  This is an old picture and many of the faces have changed, but I love the people that I work with.  I have been at Nouveau 19 years.  So much has changed over the years, but I am glad to be here.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 20

Today, I am thankful for music and those that have the gift of musicality (is that a word?).  I love music.  I listen to it all day long.  I listen to all types of music and I have to confess that I started listening to Christmas music several weeks ago.  I love that Jonathan is in band.  It makes my heart happy.  I enjoy listening to the band at football games and watching them during half-time.  I really think there should be a movement to bring back marches.  I am going to sound like an old woman, but I think high school bands should play more marches!  Just saying!  

During the course of the day, I listen to all kinds of music.  My current favorite song is Glorious.  You may or may not know, but I had a hysterectomy in January.  My hormones are MESSED up right now.  My sweet daughter was playing a YouTube video of that song. It was a super fan cut, which means it was tons of different people doing covers of that song and it was all spliced together.  I sat and cried and cried, because I was so moved.  You should definitely check it out. My favorite versions are David Archuleta or Lucy Scholl.  I like them both.  But, there are tons of different versions out there, because David challenged his fans to cover his song.

Music is not my talent, but I am so thankful to those that have that gift and choose to share it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 19

I am grateful for a girl name Sarah.  I don't know her very well.  She just started working at our office a short time ago.  When I say a short time ago, I mean that she  has probably only been with us a couple of weeks.  She is young.  Twenty-four years old.  I have never even worked with her on a single project.  She spent an hour with me during her first week.  I basically had to tell her what I did at Nouveau and explain to her some basic processes that might affect her.  I remember thinking that she was super cute.

I usually work with our Product Dept. on lots of different projects, but so far, I haven't worked with her.  However, I try to greet her every time I see her and I just continue to think she is a really neat and cute person.

Fast forward to today.  I am in a prayer group at work.  Honestly, it kind of freaks me out, because they say and do things differently than I do.  However, it is always nice to meet up with co-workers and talk about their needs and pray about them.  Sarah came to our Prayer Lunch today.  She listened intently.  We went around the table and took turns putting in prayer requests.  For whatever reason, sweet Sarah took an interest in my request.  She followed me back to my office afterwards and asked if we could pray again.  What a sweet person.  We talked for a moment and then this sweet 24 year old girl said a prayer.  The spirit was felt so strong in my office.  And, that is how Sarah became one of my favorite people at Nouveau Eyewear even though I've only known her for a couple of weeks.

It is no secret that I love young people.  They are just so amazing.  Sarah is no different.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 18

I am so thankful for the Personal Progress program.  I think that it is an inspired program.  It teaches our Young Women how to develop their talents and abilities and to fulfill their divine mission.  It helps them to form habits that will prepare them adulthood and the Personal Progress program is basically a temple prep class. Young Women have the opportunity to go through the program and earn a medallion.  After that, they can complete additional requirements and earn an Honor Bee.  I love that even parents, leaders and women who might not have already earned their medallion can also go through the program.  Yesterday, I received my medallion and Sydney earned her Honor Bee.  I am so excited for us and I am so thankful for Sydney.  She has always inspired me to work harder on my Personal Progress. She made sure that I finished my last project.  She checked in on me and really encouraged me to get it finished.  I love that sweet girl.

Monday, November 17, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 17

Today is World Prematurity Day.  

I am thankful for our little preemie - Jessica Taylor Fortenberry.

I am thankful for our 4 lb.1oz little cutie that spent 2 1/2 weeks in the NICU.  She spent quite a few days -more than I can count and more than I care to remember with her weight sitting at 3 lb. 12 oz. She just refused to gain weight.  She had to spend time learning how to take a bottle.  She had to learn how to keep her body temperature up and she had to go through a course of antibiotics before she could go home.  Thankfully, she was only on oxygen for just a short time. (Maybe just a few hours - I don't really know, because I was pretty much out of it when they explained the oxygen part to me.)  I am thankful for our journey.  It gave us just a small glimpse at what many parents go through.  We are very blessed!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 16

Our family was sealed in the Dallas, Texas Temple on November 16, 2013.  To the members of our church, the word sealing means that a man, woman and their children are joined together for eternity. The sealing must take place in a temple and we were very fortunate to have friends join us.  We were missing one very special family member.  If she chooses, we can still go back to the temple one day with her.  And, oh what a celebration that will be!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 15

I am thankful for The Book of Mormon and the opportunity that I had to read it again this year.  I am especially grateful that I had the opportunity to read a huge chunk of it with the Young Women.  How amazing it was to feel the spirit as we read verse after verse, chapter after chapter together.

I love The Book of Mormon and the guidance it gives to my life!

Friday, November 14, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 14

I am thankful for sweet missionaries that are such an amazing example to me.  They are so young and out doing such wonderful things.  And, then they send me emails and letters.  I don't even know what to think about that.  I just know that I should try to emulate their actions because they are the most Christlike people you will ever meet.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 13

Today and everyday, I am thankful for my Mom!  She is the most awesome and amazing person in the world.  She is patient and kind and is a great example of service.  She serves her community and her family and has been doing so my whole life.  I hope that I can be just like her.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 12

I am thankful for the amazing youth in our church.  I love each and every one of them to pieces.

I am thankful that Jonathan has the opportunity to attend seminary every weekday morning at 6:00 a.m. (yes, you read that right).  I am thankful that he gets to enjoy fun and spiritual activities and classes with these precious individuals every Wednesday and Sunday.

"Choose your friends with caution; plan your future with purpose; and frame your life with faith."
-Thomas S. Monson

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 11

Today is Veterans Day and I am grateful for the service that my brother and sister-in-law give each and every day.  Jeff and Emma, we love you!  

We are thankful to all those that have served our country!

Monday, November 10, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 10

I am so grateful for my sweet and sassy Grandma!  I am thankful that I had her for 42 years.  My whole life she made me laugh and smile every time I was around her.  She taught me about courage. And, she taught me how to rock a pair of leggings.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 9

I am thankful for the 16 years that we had with this sweet, neurotic girl.

I still miss her...

And, that's all I have to say about that.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 8

I am thankful for my dear, sweet Auntie Jan.  She is always happy to support her neice whenever I need a helping hand.  Whether it is big - like a place to stay on the weekends or small - like peddling Jonathan's band fundraiser.  She is there and we appreciate her and love her.  Plus, we all think she is super cool!  Too bad you don't have an Auntie Jan.  You don't know what you are missing!

Friday, November 7, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 7

I am thankful for dear old friends that dress up in silly clothes with you and are always good for a laugh.  

Everyone needs friends.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 6

I am thankful for this sweet girl!  She makes my church calling super easy!  We have been Personal Progress buddies since she was a Beehive.  I've been working on my Medallion and she has been working towards her Honor Bee.

Today is Sydney's birthday and I hope she has the best birthday ever, because she deserves it!  She  has been making me smile and laugh since she was 13 yeas old.  More than that, she is a friend to everyone and an example of how we can be more Christlike.  I love Sydney and count her as one of my blessings!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 5

I am thankful for this guy!  He is the best.  He rolls out of bed at 5:30 a.m. and takes Jonathan to seminary.  He volunteers as a Pit Crew Dad for Jonathan's band.  He is an amazing husband and dad.  He is Scoutmaster extraordinaire.  He is an awesome cook.  You name it.  He does it. (Well, he is really messy and doesn't pick up after himself.  Everyone has to have one shortcoming, right?)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mattresses for The Samaritan Inn

Okay, Friends, Jonathan's band is selling mattresses this weekend. I know that not many people are going to need a new mattress. But, we still wanted to be able to raise money for the band and help a great cause. Jonathan would like to donate a mattress (or mattresses) to the Samaritan Inn while raising money for the band. We called and they are in need of twin size mattresses and they are very excited by the possible donation. Any money that you can donate towards a mattress would be helpful. If you would like to help us, please private message me and I will be glad to come by and pick up your donation! If you are interested in a mattress for yourself, please let us know as well. Jonathan can hook you up! If you would like to know more about The Samaritan Inn, you can go here: