Friday, October 24, 2014


Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to be a parent chaperone at the UIL Marching Band contest. I was a little disappointed, because I thought I was going to have a lot of time to get to hang out with the band and get to know the kids.  Not so much. I hardly ever saw the band.  I ran from one spot to the other.  Wherever I was told to run.  However, I was so glad that the stars aligned and I was finally available to help out our amazing band.

Before we left for the contest, the band got in their uniforms and they were taken to the far side of the parking lot where they lined up.  I am guessing that their band directors were talking to them about all the things they already know, but needed to be reminded about.  As we went out to wait for the band, we found the football team waiting to give them an amazing send off.  I know that they were required by their coaches to be there, but they did their duty with a lot of heart.

The football team lined up on either side of the sidewalk and twirled towels and cheered for our band.  The band was so embarrassed.  They didn't know what to do. They had never walked through a tunnel before!  One of the boys held up a sign written on a dry erase board.  In boy handwriting it said, "Go Band!"  After we loaded the bus, the boys moved down by the road and lined the driveway and our bus went out honking at them.  Again, I know they were required to be there to support our band, but it was really touching.

At the contest, I saw so much support.  The cheerleaders were in the stands to watch and cheer.  We were considered Non-Varsity, since we don't have any seniors.  So many bands, mostly Frisco bands, complimented their performance as they marched by.  As we made our way to the stands to hear how we did, we had the opportunity to see Wakeland perform.  Wakeland's band is huge.  Their props are expensive and the band is just plain amazing.  After they finished, our young and inexperienced band jumped to their feet and gave them a standing ovation.  How classy is that?

One of the core Knight traits is unity and I saw so much unity on Saturday.  How very thankful I am that Jonathan is a Knight!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Memories of Parents' Day with Jonathan

I sent this email to my friend Angela on 2/16/08.  She kept it all this time and resent it to me this afternoon.  I just about fell on the floor laughing.  I had to post so that I could remember the time that I took Jonathan to Parents' Day!

This morning I took Jonathan to his martial arts class.   We walk in and see the huge signs posted everywhere declaring that it is PARENTS' DAY!  I absolutely hate parents' day. 

This particular parent's day was especially rough.  The first drill involved me holding a big pad in front of myself while Jonathan did a back kick.  He was told to kick at our privates. Nice.  Only he was having a lot of trouble.  I guess because of the height disparity and his depth perception issues, he wasn't hitting the pad with his back kick.  Instead he was kicking my knees... very hard!  Luckily, we only worked that drill for a few minutes.

Then we had to work a more complicated drill with our kids.  I had to sit on my knees.  Jonathan was laying on his back with his legs wrapped around my waist.  From there he had to use his right arm to lock my right arm.  He used his left hand to pull my head down.  Fun, huh?  It gets better.  From there he had to swing his legs around and wrap them around my neck.  We did this over and over for what seemed like an eternity. 

The instructors were walking around checking the kids and parents to make sure that they were doing it correctly.  The teenage instructor, Mr. Paul comes over to see how we're doing. I guess Jonathan wasn't swinging his hips correctly when he went for the headlock.  BTW, since it was raining, I had my hair pulled up in a pony tail.  At this point, it has almost been completely pulled out. I am looking really rough.   Mr. Paul sits down on the matt next to Jonathan and motions for me.  I am a bit confused and think that I misunderstood.  I choose not to move.  He motions for me again and tells Jonathan to watch.  It was like a bad dream.  I couldn't believe it.  Did this young guy really think that I was going to perform the drill?  I am completely humiliated as he proceeds to grab my arm and head and then wrap himself around my neck. 

The worst part was that we were right in front of the window where some of the other parents stood watching.  One of the parents happened to be the dad of Jonathan's friend, Jake.  It is even more humiliating when you can identify the face of one of your observers.

They don't prepare you for these kinds of moments in those Parenting how-to books!

Tuba Love

 We love game night!

We love watching our tiny band march!

We love our little tuba player!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

So Cute!

I think we are so cute!  I think I really wore my hair like that in the '80s.  For sure in the early '90s.  I had bangs in the '80s, so I had a little bit more going on, but not much more.  I was called out for not looking '80s enough.  Actually, no one was authentically '80s.  Mostly, everyone was just having fun.  But, really, I thought we were super cute!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Stepping Back into the Dark Ages

This year I decided to take my personal life and calendar back into the dark ages and start using a paper calendar again.  It has been the best thing ever.  At work, I use my outlook calendar and it is synced to my iPhone.  For my personal life, it is paper all the way!  And, I love it.  No lie.  Seriously, I have rarely been confused or surprised about appointments (unless it is an appointment that Fred made) and almost all birthday cards have arrived on time!  So, I say, there is nothing wrong with the dark ages!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Happy 42nd Birthday to Fred

Happy 42nd birthday to my sweet husband!  We celebrated last night with a date night at Jenbeh.  Apparently, Fred celebrates like a 10 year old with a hibachi dinner.  Then, we saw Meet the Mormons, which was so great that even Fred confessed to tearing up at the end.  The Cowboys won today, so what more can he ask for.

Our family is blessed to have Fred at the helm.  He is an amazing husband and dad!  We love our Fred!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Just Shoot Me

This is what I did today.  For about two minutes, I accidentally drooled.  Then I remembered I was a professional (and married) and I pulled it together.  And, then I realized I was seventeen years old the year he was born and I felt icky.  The women at the shoot were losing their minds and the ones back at the office were anxiously awaiting pictures.  It was crazy.  It was pretty much the most exciting Friday ever.  I think we should have a photo shoot every single Friday!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Pink Out Pep Rally

Today was a red letter day.  I went to my first pep rally in about 24 years.  No lie!

I scheduled time off from work, because Independence holds their pep rally at 10:30!  Therefore, I've never been to one this entire season. It was a fun one to attend since it was their Pink Out Pep Rally!

There were only two problems.  1) They sat the moms on the front row.  Right in front of the band.  I could hear those cuties play, but I couldn't see them.  2) There were about three women that stood in front of the moms the entire time so we couldn't see anything.

I finally got to take a couple of pictures at the end when I was leaving and the band was filing out!

Despite the shortcomings, it was so much fun and I'm sad that I probably won't get to attend another one this season.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I'm Sexy and I Know It

Last Saturday, we celebrated Angela's 40th birthday.  The party was a theme party.  An 80s party to be exact.  Oh my.  I hate dressing up.  Jonathan refused to dress up.  But, he and Dave gladly sang karaoke all night long.

Jonathan singing karaoke is bad.  Dave singing karaoke is really bad.  Jonathan and Dave singing karaoke together is down right awful.

Then you have Dave wearing those pants.  I never want to see that much of Dave ever again!

I went inside for just a few minutes.  Angela's sister stuck her head in and told me that I had to come out and listen to Jonathan.  I wasn't sure that I really needed to come back out.  As I said, I had been listening to Jonathan all night long.  Well, I leave for five minutes and someone puts on I'm Sexy and I Know It.  The most inappropriate song ever.

Trust me when I say, hearing your fourteen year old son sing "I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it" will scar you for life.

All I know, is I saw phones out all around me capturing the moment.  I hope those pictures and videos stay hidden forever!

The next day, I woke up with the worst migraine ever.  Not sure if it was from the bad karaoke, Dave's pants or living through the most embarrassing moment of my life.  Either way, no more karaoke for the Fortenberry's!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Little Man with the Big Tuba

When you have kids, you just never dream that your little squirt will be one of those kids with a sousaphone wrapped around him.  

Jonathan is awkward and struggles with it, but we're proud of him.

All three of us show up in our purple and black and watch Jonathan every single week, because that is what families do.  I have to admit that Jessie and Fred are positively motivated by the football - even though our little football team is struggling.

We love cheering for our little man with the big tuba!

*Photo credits go to Kelly for taking pictures from the home side last week at the Centennial/Independence game.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Knight Lights

This is what we'll be doing tonight... watching our sweet boy march.  
Friday night football games are our new favorite past time!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Faith and Testimony

Me, Nicole and Ruth
(Two very special ladies!)

One of our sweet young women at church is heading out on her mission very soon. I was so thankful that I had the opportunity to attend the temple with her for the very first time on Saturday.  It was such a very special and sacred occasion.  Nicole's testimony and faith are both so strong that you can't help but love her so much every time you are around her.  So glad that I could be there on her special day!  Nothing can make you have a better day than attending the temple first thing in the morning.

"When we live righteously and have received the ordinances of the temple, everything else is in the hands of the Lord."
-Richard G. Scott

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Happy 40th Birthday to Aunt Angel

Angela shown here with with Dave, Ally, Madison and Jessie

Happy, happy birthday to my dear sweet friend, Angela!  Everyone in our little group calls her Angel.  I use those names interchangeably. I'm the only one.  I have to admit that when I met her I must have been 19 or 20 and she was in high school.  She was giggly and loud.  Dave and Fred were buddies and met her at their new job, Mountasia.  They told me about this girl, Angel.  They said she told them that her name was Angela, but that THEY could call her Angel.  I remember rolling my eyes and thinking that I would NEVER call that girl Angel.  Ha!  Well, 20-something years later, I'm calling that loud, giggly girl Angel, because she is an angel of a friend and I love that crazy girl!

Angel is that friend that knows way too much about me and what she doesn't know she makes up.  She is the girl that talks her circle of friends into doing stupid things like dressing up in crazy dresses while they are in Eureka Springs. (Or, booty charades.)  They grumble but do it and maybe enjoy it a little.

Or, maybe they get roped into being diapered at baby showers.

I've actually been diapered twice!

But, you know she's a keeper when your kids lovingly call her Aunt Angel!

I couldn't help but include this oldy but goody!

Hope you enjoy your 40th birthday, Aunt Angel!  Thanks for the laughs and the memories!