Thursday, October 17, 2013

Spreading Sunshine

Kerstin and Jessica

This beautiful girl, Kerstin, is such a sweet and righteous daughter of God.  I love spending time with her.  She just spreads sunshine wherever she goes and makes people smile.  The best thing about Kerstin is her laugh.  She has the best laugh.  There are two people in this world that brighten the room with their laugh – Kerstin and Fred.  Their laughs are very different.  Fred’s is more of a cackle and Kerstin’s is a loud infectious laugh that has probably gotten her in a lot of trouble at school.  I have only spent a short time with her age group in church.  I have always served younger ages.  I love teaching Kerstin.  She brings her fluffy pink journal to class and sits on the edge of her chair ready to take notes and participate in class.  I always tell her she looks like Elle Woods (from Legally Blonde) with her cute little pen and journal taking notes.  She squealed in delight. 

On what I think was probably Kerstin’s last Sunday in Young Women’s, she bore her testimony in church.  It was a simple and beautiful testimony and I was moved to tears.  I told Kerstin that I loved her testimony so much that I cried.  Kerstin’s reply was, “Everything makes you cry, Sister Fortenberry.”  I acted like I was completely offended and I have taken every opportunity to point it out when I see Kerstin teary-eyed.

Last night was our annual Young Women’s in Excellence program. I was excited to see Kerstin, since she has moved up to the ranks of Relief Society. Jessica and I sat next to her. One of the sweet girls that I had worked with back when I was 2nd Counselor talked about why Personal Progress was special to her and I started crying like a big baby. I just remembered all the work she had put in to the program as a Beehive and all the times she texted me about her projects. Afterwards, she came over to talk to me and I cried some more. Kerstin didn’t know any of this. She had started crying over the closing song that the girls sang. Kerstin comes up to me with tears running down her face and squeals, “Hey, Sister Fortenberry, I’m just like you.” I turn to her and I have tears running down my face and we hug. I think we are kindred spirits, Kerstin and I.

I am so excited for Kerstin.   I know that whatever she chooses to do with her life she is going to be great.  However, I know that without a doubt she is going to be an amazing missionary whether it is in the mission field or in her home town of Frisco. 

I love you, Kerstin.  Thank you for being such a great example to me and my family.

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