Saturday, October 12, 2013

Happy 41st Birthday to Fred

We are celebrating Fred's 41st birthday today.  Nothing fancy.  Just a cake.  I don't even know what we are doing for dinner yet.  It will just be our family.  I need to plan something bigger, since we never got to celebrate his 40th last year.  It is so hard to celebrate with him, because he is such a busy man.  He just got home from camping with his Boy Scouts and he will be doing Scout training next weekend.  Looks like it will be the following weekend. 

I am so proud and excited for Fred.  He went to the temple for the first time (a very big deal in our church) on September 21st.  I am so glad that he did that before his birthday.  I don't know why, because age doesn't really matter, but it was a very happy day for our family.  We still have a big milestone to hit in the upcoming month or so, but that was one hurdle accomplished.  I am so thankful to all those men that have touched Fred's life and inspired him to come so far.  We are truly blessed (cheesy but true).

Happy Birthday, Fred!  We love you.

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