Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Whole Bunch of Nothing

Hello Friends,

I typed a post last week, but never posted it.  It was a "poor me" post that no on would ever want to read.

Instead of whining about it - I will just tell you that it has been a wild, crazy and exhausting couple of weeks.  Fred has been feeling under the weather, so I think that has added to my melancholy mood.  Sympathy illness, maybe? 

It just felt like nothing could go right.  I think it started with a leaky rough (while my husband was out of town) and ended with a poor sweet lady backing into my car.  Thankfully, I can't remember the other things that went wrong.  However, if you had asked me last week, I would have given you an earful. By Thursday, I was feeling so much better.

We received quite the surprise Friday night.  My sister-in-law was stuck at the airport and needed us to come save her.  We picked her up at the airport at about 10:30 p.m. and brought her back to our house where MaMaw and Grady were waiting to take them back home with them.  It was great to see her for a few minutes.  My kids missed it, because they were asleep by the time we made it home with Aunt Emma. 

This is our church's General Conference weekend, which certainly helps you put your life into perspective.  You can't be in a bad mood while watching conference.  Getting my family excited about conference has always been a challenge. However, we managed to enjoy the Sunday morning session together. There were edible incentives and that seemed to make all the difference in the world.

I apologize for this post, because it has been a rambling one that is all over the place.  I hope you all have a great week.

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