Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pre-Summer Fun

Summer vacation hasn't quite gotten here yet, but we couldn't wait to get started on our Summer Bucket List.

We thought Memorial Day weekend would be a good time to officially start marking items off of our bucket list.

What have we done, you ask? Hold on to your hats!  (Just joking!)

We went hiking.  We hiked Enchanted Rock which is in the Fredericksburg area.  The Summit Trail climbs 425 feet in .6 miles.  Holy Moly!  It was a short hike, but it went straight up into the air.

We made popsicles.  Jessica voted for tropical punch and Jonathan voted for grape flavor. This meant that I ended up with two jugs of koolade in my refrigerator... yuck!  I never fixed my kids koolade when they were growing up.  Jessica hasn't touched the leftover koolade.  Jonathan guzzled that stuff down and asked if we could make more.  Disgusting.

We watched After Earth as a family.  This was Jonathan's request.  Usually I leave movie nights up to Fred.  I think spending money at a movie theater is ridiculous and Fred loves to go once or even twice a weekend with his friend, Abie.  Sometimes they will take one or both kids.  I let that be Fred's special time with the kids.  Jonathan was really excited about this movie and wanted the entire family to see it.  So, we met our friend, Abie and Jessie's friend, Glenn at the theater.  Jonathan really liked the movie and hoped for a sequel.

These were just little things that we did.  Last night Fred and the kids watched movies together.  I went to check off Family Movie Night, but it wasn't on the list.  Give me a list and I get busy trying to check everything off.

Right now, Fred is introducing the kids to the greatness of Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  I hope they aren't getting any ideas.

I love this time of the year!

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