Thursday, June 20, 2013

Best Kids Ever

"Children and parents grow up together, and it's hard sometimes.  We affect each other's lives more than anyone else.  We're struggling to sort out life in each other's presence."

- Janene Wolsey Baddsgaard

That statement is so true, but being a parent is also the most fun you will ever have.  I get to watch hours of boring Dr. Who episodes, because it makes my kids happy or enough You Tube videos that could drive a person up a wall.  Not only are there the tedious parts of parenting and the hard parts of parenting, but you haven't lived until you've had Jonathan tell you goodnight.  Every night he tells me that I'm the best.  And, everyday Jess tells me about the sweet kids at her school and how much she loves working with them.

I am so lucky to have these kids!

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