Friday, May 10, 2013

Backside Of 40

It appears that I have turned this week's posts into my personal confessions.  Well, here is one more.  This is a big shocker... 41 has not been kind to me.

I turned 41 in February and I am feeling every one of those 41 years.  Jonathan turned 13 around the same time that I turned 41.  I have noticed that he needs lots of sleep.  Seems that I am going through the same thing.  I used to happily (OK... happily is a stretch) pop up and take a shower a little before 6:00.  Now, I just want to sleep as long as possible.  I get up at 6:30 only because I help my sleepy teenagers move along.  If I had my way, I would stay in my cozy bed until 7:00 or later. 

To accommodate my new schedule, I have started bathing at night.  It helps my mornings run so much smoother and allows me a few more minutes of sleep.

I am officially an old woman!  When did this happen?

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