Saturday, November 14, 2009


The family unit is an interesting thing.  When one of your kids struggles-  the entire family struggles.  While we aren't back and running at 100%, I think we've turned a corner.  (I hate to speak too soon.)  Friday brought more happiness and we were each relieved.

How can you not have a happy Friday when:
  • You start the day at 5:30 - walking two precious dogs. (Don't let them know that I referred to them as precious.  They are already too spoiled.)
  • A sweet and dear former co-worker drops by the office after three years.
  • Crazy, zany things happen at work that can only be attributed to Friday the 13th (if I were superstitious).
  • My General Conference DVD arrives in the mail.
  • The birthday presents that I ordered for my mom and mother-in-law arrives (and they are really cute)
  • The bedtime CD (A Child's Prayer - Primary Songs for Bedtime) that I ordered for Jonathan arrives.
  • It was such a good day for mail!
  • It is my Auntie Jan's birthday and she is celebrating in New York!  Happy Birthday, Auntie Jan.
  • I see this sunset on the way home from work.

We hope everyone had a Happy Friday, too!

P.S. The CD that I got Jonathan is great.  However, he says that he doesn't need it.  His sleep problems would be solved if I would just sleep with him.  Yes, he is nine years old.  And, no, I haven't fallen for that line yet.  Although, he tries it every night.  I guess he's just checking to see if I'll ever give in.

1 comment:

Marla said...

What a pretty sunset! They always make me smile :)