Monday, November 30, 2009

Old Dogs

If you were in the theater last Wednesday with our family, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. We went to see Old Dogs with Robin Williams and John Travolta. Thank goodness Jess wasn’t with us. She would have been mortified. Jonathan’s laugh is loud, but Fred’s laugh is a deep belly laugh. Those two laughed so hard that I’m sure we annoyed every movie-goer in the theater.

At one point, Jonathan was laughing really loud and Fred couldn’t be heard at all. There was a scene where Robin Williams is having trouble with his depth perception. He is trying to hit a golf ball and keeps hitting it into the crotches of his teammates. This is classic boy humor! I later found out why I couldn’t hear Fred laughing during this scene. He had started laughing so hard that he couldn’t breathe.

Gee, that would have been embarrassing if we had to perform CPR during the movie!

Again, I apologize to anyone who couldn’t hear the movie over Fred and Jonathan’s laughter! It’s funny that Old Dogs wasn’t our first choice. We had planned on seeing Planet 51 or New Moon, but the timing didn’t work for us. I guess I should plan on purchasing this movie for those two when it comes out on DVD.

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