Sunday, November 15, 2009

Melt My Heart

Sometimes my kids make me want to pull my hair out (as in every last strand).  Mostly, they melt my heart and make me thankful that I have them (and my hair).

Yesterday morning, Jonathan called to me from the living room.  I asked him what he needed and he replied, "I just need to give you a hug and a kiss."  I think that is incredibly sweet coming from a big nine year old.  Later, we were driving in the car and he informed me that I am the best mother ever.  You would think this comment would remind me to make a better effort, right?  Apparently, I'm a slow learner.  We drove up in front of Rick's Kicks.  I groaned and mentioned that it was probably Parent's Day.  Jonathan got excited about the prospect of getting to workout with me.  I told him that I thought his Daddy was better suited for Parent's Day.  He looked up at me and told me that he liked having Parent's Day with me, because it gave us an opportunity to bond.  Seriously, he used the word bond.  Boy, did I feel bad when we learned that Parent's Day is next week.  Needless to say,  I will be going in Fred's place.

Fred is fishing this week and I had signed up to make a craft at our church's Super Saturday.  Jessica watched Jonathan for me, so that I could run out and speed craft before martial arts.  I got my plaque painted and left it there to dry.  After martial arts, Jess watched Jonathan again, so that I could go back and put the letters on my plaque.  Then, I left him once again to make a quick trip to PetSmart and to the mall.  Three times I left Jonathan with Jessica.  I went in Jessie's room to pay for her babysitting services.  She refused payment!  She said that she didn't want any money.  I couldn't have made it through Saturday without her help and she didn't take any compensation!

Days like these are special and help me to forget those days that make me want to pull my hair out!

These two are the best of friends and melt my heart when they're together.  Mollie is napping next to Jonathan - I swear that she gets just as close to him as she possibly can.  By the way, he really does have clothes on.  He has taken to sleeping without a shirt on.  Crazy Boy!

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