Sunday, November 1, 2009


We celebrated Halloween in Allen with our good friends, the Garstkas and Millers.  The kids had a great time!

We discovered that it is very hard to find costumes that are appropriate for teenagers.  We finally found this witch costume.  Jess decided at the last second that she didn't want to wear the hat.  Instead, she called herself a vampire (without the teeth).

Jonathan was a Ninja Warrior.  He coughed the entire night.  Therefore, someone just had to ask if he was wearing the mask because he had the H1N1 virus.

Little Madison loves to have her picture taken.  She made sure that she was in practically every picture and she made that cute face in each shot.

The guys stayed behind and handed out candy.  Fred came prepared with his big comfy chair that we got him for Father's Day.

Here is the gang ready to start trick-or-treating.  Katy, Laura and Jessie (back row); Ally, Madison and Jonathan (front row).  They are a pretty cute group - I must say.

Our friend, Dave, dressed as The Joker.  Apparently, he had been growing his hair out in preparation.

Here is the gang hanging out with Chuckie and Jason.  Surprisingly, Jonathan could tell me all about these characters.  When asked how he knew all of this information, he said that ALL of his friends had seen the movies.  Great!  Good to know what we're learning on the playground at school.

The Older Girls - Laura, Jessie and Katy.  All three looked great!

In just a few minutes, we are going to start sorting through last night's candy.  The Pumpkin Fairy comes to our house and picks up most of the candy.  In exchange, each kid will get a prize.  I am excited, because I've heard that the prizes are awesome.  Both of the kids should be extra happy.

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