Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Slumber Party

Like many of you, we had to take shelter in our closet last Tuesday. The High-Wind sirens went off in Frisco - prompting me to gather my sleeping children and put them in the closet. We currently don't have a DVR (I have no idea why), so Fred couldn't be bothered during one of his shows. He chose to sit in his recliner with two of our pets while I made sure everyone else was in a safe place. I woke Jess up and guided her into the closet. With Jonathan, I practically had to drag him into the closet. Jonathan is long and skinny and 57 pounds of dead weight. Once I got everyone in the closet, I sat just outside the closet door with our puppy and listened to the radio. Fred thought I was completely overreacting. Perhaps... but you never know. Better safe than sorry. I'm thinking that we will be investing in a DVR, so that Fred can be safe during a storm. I sure hope it was a good episode. :o)

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