Monday, February 16, 2009

In Celebration of President's Day

If you have a child in the Frisco school district, then you know that the kids did not have today off. Last night on the way home from my parents' house, we discussed that there would be school on Monday. Everyone seemed fine with this concept.

This morning, Jonathan got himself ready for school and watched TV for about 20-30 minutes before it was time to leave. When I told him that it was time for school, he seemed extremely shocked. I explained to him again that there would be school - despite the fact that it was President's Day. He grudgingly got in the van and looked over at me with a scowl on his face. I kid you not... he said "How exactly do they expect me to celebrate President's Day, if I am at school?"

I was wondering how he had planned to celebrate President's Day. As far as I can remember, we haven't celebrated President's Day as a family. Turns out there was an all day Pokemon Marathon on Cartoon Network in honor of President's Day!

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